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  1. adhoc

    Quick Question?

    I'm a bit paranoid I guess, but I'd be more worried about soap residue in the bucket than the juice. Hot water alone should take care of any leftover juice concentrate.
  2. adhoc

    Building my Fuge

    That I don't know. I currently just have a sump, no fuge. Try doing a search, I do remember reading about preferred turnover rates in the fuges. I think that overflow recommends using a small airpump to prevent air bubbles from getting trapped in the U. I want to say Tom's air pump? Try...
  3. adhoc

    Building my Fuge

    That's the theory exactly. The box on the back is draining into the fuge. The overflow boxes water levels are trying to equalize, so water flows from the tank overflow box thru the Utube into the box on the back, where again it drains down. Then gets pumped back up into the tank. The water level...
  4. adhoc

    Building my Fuge

    The box on the back has a gravity drain pipe that's higher than the botto of the U-Tube. When flow stops thru the overflow, it will drain down to the top of the gravity drain, but the bottom of the u-tube will still be in water. In the photo above, the red lines show the level the display tank...
  5. adhoc

    Building my Fuge

    Here are two photos that might make it a bit clearer. A hang-on-the-back overflow is really made of two boxes - one that sits in the tanks, and one that hangs on the back. An upside down u-tube connects the two. The box in the tank has slots cut in it for water flow.
  6. adhoc

    Building my Fuge

    I would use an overflow. In either scenario if you turn off your return pump, the tank will drain down. If you simply have a syphon tube in the tank, the tank will drain until that syphon is broken. When the pump is restarted you have to start the syphon again or you will overflow your tank...
  7. adhoc

    BIG addition to the reef!!

    At the Shedd Aquarium, pretty cool! Click the link after the first paragraph for 11 photos. Shedd News Link Can't wait to see it in the exhibit.
  8. adhoc

    Reef lighting

    I might be interested, can you provide more info on the ballasts and bulbs? Thanks, you can email me: jimckinney01 at
  9. adhoc

    bang guy, need ur expert help!!!

    I don't know, it came on my computer. What program does your computer use to view photos?
  10. adhoc

    bang guy, need ur expert help!!!

    I'm not Bang guy but if you have Microsoft's Photo Editor you can crop the photo or use the resize option. One of the choices it gives you is the number of pixels per side.
  11. adhoc

    id please

    I think the second one may be some type of anemone. Has it opened up for you? I had an orange one on a piece of LR, it wasn't much bigger in diameter than a pencil eraser. It was fixed to the LR, not mobile, very hard unless it opened up, and it looked a bit like a bright orange aptasia.
  12. adhoc

    Pump advice

    I also have a 46 gallon bowfront with a sump beneath. I use a Mag 5 pump in my sump to return to my tank. My pump discharge goes up about 3 feet, and goes thru 4 elbows. I tried making my own overflow, the box itself was working fine but the tubing I used didn't. I was using soft tubing that...
  13. adhoc

    what would happpen if i

    Sorry for the wrong semantics.
  14. adhoc

    what would happpen if i

    I will quote from Concientious Marine Aqaurist: "Maroon Clownfish... another excellent species, but best kept as mated pairs or a single clownfish." The two at the LFS are probably mated if they're swimming along together. Maroon clowns grow larger than other clowns, IIRC. And I haven't been on...
  15. adhoc


    Voted! And fixed link: PHOTO CONTEST And not enough experience with different salts. So consider this a bump.
  16. adhoc

    ATTN: Detroit Area Reefers

    I could take one off your hands if still available :) I live in Chitown but have business trips to Detroit and Ann Arbor pretty regularly. What's your timeframe? Thanks, Jim
  17. adhoc

    how do u keep ur

    I have a tank with black trim, black silicone, and I added a black background. I used black electrical tape, and took my time to align the edge so it wrapped around from the back and lined up with the edge of the silicone bead. Blends right in and holds the backing flush to the tank.
  18. adhoc

    informative speech

    Or the efforts to improve capture methods on reefs. NPR recently did a multipart segment called "reefs in the balance." I only caught a brief portion of it but it was really good. You might be able to get some topic ideas from their transcripts, which I believe are available online.
  19. adhoc

    Thermometer Broke

    I am 99.9% positive that those thermometers don't use mercury, I'm not sure any thermometers readily available use mercury anymore. But that aside, I dropped the same model thermometer on the floor once, no liquid. Just broken glass.
  20. adhoc

    Help with my monti?

    Wow, that's substantially different than the test kit. I wonder if the kit mistakenly suggested values for freshwater? Do you think I should use some baking soda to raise the KH? I'm assuming I shouldn't use more BIonic until my Ca gets back in line. For filtration, I don't have too much. I...