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  1. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    ok i just wanna make sure what im gonna get (maybe) is gonna work!:) what do u think about my current filtration?
  2. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    it is my old freshwater one. if i keep it i know i will have to clean it out and get another one to be good enough for sw. it is a mini whisper and is supposed to be used 1 of them for evry 10 gallons. keep me posted on the filter situation thnx
  3. swimrnum1

    is this a good deal ? need help ASAP!!!

    is this a good deal? someone offered me a used Penguin Biowheel for 30.00 he said if it doesnt work that he will give me my money back. my tank is a 20 gallon and im gonna go FOWLR. please help ASAP
  4. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    is the foxface an aggressive fish. i want to have a nice peaceful tank
  5. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    ok so if i do money order what would i have to do.? okso if i dont get the pygmy what other fish should i get?
  6. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    my zip code is 60047 ok looks good but im gonna have to think about it for a day or 2? how would we work out the payment method? do u have any info on it? and is it in good condition? could u at least guarantee me that it will work? i might not be on 2morrow b/c i got to go 2 a christmas party...
  7. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    for my 20 gallon I THINK that i am set for all equipment except for protein skimmer and maybe filter (not sure if the current filter i have is good enough)
  8. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    could u post a pic if possible and some more information. $???? also i have a question on a 1.5 gallon tank i have. i was wondering if that is even big enough to put just a coudple of shrimp snail or other inverts in. or dare i say it: a tiny fish?
  9. swimrnum1

    Compatibility Chart

    o ok thanks :D :happyfish :santa:
  10. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    ok, and what do you think about an undergravel filter? i read this one book: THe Conscientious Marine Aquarist which was recommended to me by about 5 people and in that book it says that the undergravel is a good idea. but on these boards everyone is against them???:confused: :notsure:
  11. swimrnum1

    Compatibility Chart

    yup thats it what were u expecting ? whats wrong with it? :notsure: :confused: :eek:
  12. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    ok well i was goin through my old fw stuff and founs some thiungs that i could reuse. my heater turned out to be a tropical heater also. i think i will have to get a new pump my current/old pump is-- an Elite 802 Air Pump 9 i doubt i can reuse that) my filter is a mini whisper power filter...
  13. swimrnum1

    Compatibility Chart

    thats it
  14. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    really i have gotten thums up from others
  15. swimrnum1

    Compatibility Chart

    HI, I just wanted to let everyone know of a compatibility chart for saltwater fish. It is on a different website though. I know your not allowed to post other sites names but i think this is for the "greater good" of the message board community.
  16. swimrnum1

    awsome live rock in Chicagoland area

    i live in the NW suburbs and i dont think my mom or dad are gonna drive me all the way out there just for some lr .:nope:
  17. swimrnum1

    Good Fish List FOr 20?? FOWLR

    hi i was wondering if this was a good fish list for a fish list for a 20 gallon: 1 black perc 1 pygmy angel 1-2 purple firefish goby 1 cc star its gonna be FOWLR and some fake corals MAYBE. any comments or opinions are appreciated
  18. swimrnum1

    Which Clown To get.... Please Help

    if it helps i am going to go FOWLR. thanks
  19. swimrnum1

    Which Clown To get.... Please Help

    HI i was wondering if anyone had any experience or an opinon on choosing one of these types of clowns over the other. I am deciding between one black perc or one orange perc. its a 20 gal. and the other fish are gonna be a pygmy angel and a firefish goby. any help is very helpful!:santa: :santa...
  20. swimrnum1

    The case of the disappering fish....

    who told you that you could have 15-18 fish in a tank that small? hopefully not your "expert":cheer: