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  1. swimrnum1

    All Beginners Look At This

    If you are a beginner you need to pick up a book called: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. I myself am a beginner and it has been sucha huge help.
  2. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    so u would definetely recommend getting a protein skimmer? what kind of filter? and any special type of heater? is my NEw fish list ok
  3. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    how would i feed it? just stick my hand right next to it and give it the shrimp?
  4. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    u can totally disregard my last post i forgot about the lighting issue. i am going to scale down on the amount of fish in my tank and make it a true beginner and learning tank, while waiting to get enough money to get my new 55 gallon. so i am probably gonna go with the 2 percs royal gramma and...
  5. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    i j ust picked up that book the Conscientous Marine Aquarist. It suggests an undergravel filter for a tank my size. i am having second thoughts on getting all of these fish. now just for a beginner tank i might just get a pair of clowns and another fish or too. I would get an anemone then and...
  6. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    how would you do that
  7. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    and the chjocolate chip star ....if you count that a fish. ive been browsing other threads and people conmstantly talk about water changes?
  8. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    so could i get pair of clowns royal gramma and pair of cards
  9. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    so u think the pair of bangai will fit in my tank?
  10. swimrnum1

    Wild or Aquacultured

    Would anyone recommend wild or aquacultured pver the other for clown and other fish? Had any experiences?Good? Bad?
  11. swimrnum1

    Clown Question

    so could i get: pair of clons royal gramma pair of pj cards ????????????????????
  12. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    so would you prefer the pair of bangai or the pair of pj?
  13. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    i meant one or the other
  14. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    anyone have any experience comments or info about maybe adding an anthia to my tank?
  15. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    if i only got one clwon would that free up enough room to get a pair of; pair of bangais pair of pajama 1 pygmy angel and another small gobie er somein like that>??
  16. swimrnum1

    Clown Question

    if i only got one clown would i be able to get a pair of pajama cardianls besides the pygmy angel
  17. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    how much live rock would you recommend ? i have gotten a wide range of suggestions from anywhere from 10-45 pounds as i said before i want to get the most amount of fish possible without overloading
  18. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    2 clown fish 1 royal gramma 1 pygmy angel 1cc star whatever clean up crew i would need live rock (how much??????) fake coral + fake anemone home depot sand (probably)
  19. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    im trying to get the most fish that i can woithout overloading how much live rock would you recommend ? i have gotten a wide range of suggestions from anywhere from 10-45 gallons
  20. swimrnum1

    Help PLease

    thanks for all of your help so far. im going to continue doing a lot of research on this topic until i actually start to purchase items. would you recommend having more than one chocolate chip star the only thing that i am concerned about the 2 clowns is that i dont want them to produce...