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  1. rasta979

    funny reef crew story

    so i get me big 20 reef package today, good times! I get them all acclimated the way I am told and deposit them into my tank. Everyone is doing well, hermits do their thing, emeralds do theirs, same for the snails. Well my blue hippo tang decides that he is going to investagate the new...
  2. rasta979

    Want to add cucumber ot tank

    sand sifter, aragonnite...its a fairly fine composition stuff...and perhaps a recomendation on the cucumber is in order THANKS!
  3. rasta979

    Want to add cucumber ot tank

    I have: 1. Blue Hippo Tang 2. Pericula Clown 3. 2 Damsels 4. Brittle Star 5. Cleaner Shrimp 6. Peppermint Shrimp 7. 2 Emerald Crabs 8. 20-25 assorted snails Anything on this list that will mess with the cucumber to much? Thanks in advance for the replies!
  4. rasta979

    My Diy EuroReef

    darknes, is the parts list the same as the orginal in this thread? if not and if you have the time could you post or email me the tank is in need and i need a new project :) thanks!
  5. rasta979

    DIY canpoy paint question

    is there any particular paint i should use on my DIY canopy? I guess a more consice question would be is there any type that I should avoid? Thanks
  6. rasta979

    My Diy EuroReef

    could i get the link to the orginal and Darknes could you shoot me the plans for your version as well. Thanks rasta979 AT yahoo . com
  7. rasta979

    your thoughts on aquatic lighting systems MH's?

    has anyone here dealt with this company and what do you think?? thanks! ross
  8. rasta979

    building new hood

    one last time before this post commits sepiku :) BUMP
  9. rasta979

    building new hood

    its cheap and tacky but what the hey, BUMP
  10. rasta979

    building new hood

    hey all, i am in the process of making a new hood for my tank. I am planing 2 MH w/ 2 STD flor. bulbs.(i have a 55 gal tank) I have seen ads for aquatic lighting systems MH set up for a real reasonable price. Has anyone here ever done business with them and how are the lights?? thanks for any...
  11. rasta979

    clowns and seahorses

    so i am wondering...can clowns and sea horses co-exisit? i ask this before i do anything with my tank. i have read here at this site and others that sea horses are best left to there own, but i have a recolection of them being in a tank with other fish somewhere sometime in the past (fog rolls...