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  1. blenny1

    A few actinic shots.

    very nice pics. Ireally like your second pic. those look great.
  2. blenny1

    just added

    thank you adds a lot of color.
  3. blenny1

    i want see everyone's CLAM PICTURES!!!

    heres my clam
  4. blenny1

    just added

    just picked this coral up from lfs
  5. blenny1

    learning to take pics

    Here are some new pics
  6. blenny1

    feeding question

    thanks for the info, that the problem im having (the red slime)
  7. blenny1

    Dos your fish eat out of your hand?

    Yes my vlamingi tang does.
  8. blenny1

    feeding question

    im feeding frozen mysis shrimp and i feed pellets i aslo have a unicorn i feed krill but i know theres no waste from that
  9. blenny1

    feeding question

    I think im feeding to much because im starting to get red slime.
  10. blenny1

    feeding question

    Ive read that it is better to feed small amounts a few times a day. and my lfs says only once a day. But I have also heard of some people feeding every couple of days. What is the best way?
  11. blenny1

    what is this

    thats good news, I'm new to this so sometimes I worry about little things. Thanks
  12. blenny1

    what is this

    I'm getting these little white tubes, about the size of a match stick, and a little fan comes out of them. Like a mini feather duster. are these ok? I have about ten on my live rock.
  13. blenny1

    good swf store around schaumburg ill?

    If your more into corals try advanced aquatics on roselle rd
  14. blenny1


    It's an electrical tingle
  15. blenny1


    I was cleaning out my fuge, and when I repositioned my heater I felt a little tingle from it. I assume this isnt good? time for a new heater?
  16. blenny1

    coral beauty angel

    Ialso have a spaghetti leather and mine doesn't bither it
  17. blenny1

    coral beauty angel

    Yeah thats my luck He never picked on anything else. so I thought he'd be safe. thank for the info.
  18. blenny1

    coral beauty angel

    I just put a yellow gordonian in my tank. My coral beauty wont leave it alone, he doesn't pick on anything else in the tank. Is he hurting it? anyone else have a problem like this?
  19. blenny1

    some pics of my 75

    I've had the clam for about 3 months, i'm not sure about the lights so i looked at the bulbs and they are 96 w 10k I have two white and two blue lights. sorry I dont know more i'm newe and still learning about all the equipment
  20. blenny1

    some pics of my 75

    Thank you. Im new to take pics I'll try to get a fuul shot.