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  1. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    Originally Posted by travis99 The may say 75 gallons a day. But your gonna be hard pressed to find one that puts out that much. Really most of them are the same. make sure you get a ro/di unit. I have mine next to my water heater. When I turn it on I stick the hose the bad water flows from...
  2. pimpin chirp

    FilterGuys RO/DI?

    So for someone who doesn't know anything about RO/DI systems can you explain all the extra accessories that they try to sell i mean i just wanna make 30 gallons a week for my water changes but what is all this stuff and what does it do and what do i really need? ADD ONS: PRESSURE GAUGE KIT -...
  3. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    Originally Posted by mie I would spend the money on a ro system. You can get them for about 150 dollars. Money well spent. Yeah i will eventually but in the interim while i do my research on the different units cause i know nothing about them and try to figure out to hide it from my wife or...
  4. pimpin chirp

    Anyone use Glacier Water Machines?

    Does anyone get there water from one of these machines if so how do you like it? I heard that they may use copper pipes that could leave traces of copper in the water. But isn't the RO/DI process supposed to get rid of trace elements such as this so does it matter. I'm confused. Help!
  5. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    So I have been running a 100gallon reef tank on tap water for about two months now. I got 2 perculas, coral banded shrimp (see pic) 2 anemones, xenias, small polyps, mushrooms, tons of snails and hermits, a brittle star, sand sifting star, emerald crab, engineer goby, and a yellow tang granted I...
  6. pimpin chirp

    Wet/Dry w/bio-balls to Live-rock or Refugium?

    Originally Posted by SWAlchemist Your right Luether, in fact most people who have nitrate problems are usually the ones who have removed there pre-filter pad "because it gets to dirty?" So naturally detritus has to go somewhere and what better place then those partially submerged bio-balls? I...
  7. pimpin chirp

    Wet/Dry w/bio-balls to Live-rock or Refugium?

    Originally Posted by LexLuethar I agree, bioballs do not create nitrates, food and waste does - something that can get traped in both live rocks and bioballs. Just make sure to have ample filtration before the water reaches this stage. You mention having ample filtration before it reaches this...
  8. pimpin chirp

    Wet/Dry w/bio-balls to Live-rock or Refugium?

    Originally Posted by ric maniac i would definately replace the bio balls. they are nitrate traps. the live rock can be fully submereged or partioally submerged. mine are partially submerged in my 6g nano. also on a side note, what kind of lighting do you have? and how long has this tank been set...
  9. pimpin chirp

    Wet/Dry w/bio-balls to Live-rock or Refugium?

    Hello everyone I have a 100 gallon beginners reef wit a few small mushrooms 2 anemones, and some small polyps that has been running for about 2 months now I have about 60lbs of live rock inside it along with a few fish 2 clowns, a lawnmower blenny, an engineer goby, yellow tang, and a coral...