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  1. pimpin chirp

    Anybody in Jacksonville, FL?

    what's happening I'm new to the forum wanna see who all is in my area down here in jacksonville, FL. Are there any kind of saltwater clubs out there? And which LFS do u go to? I like bio-reef
  2. pimpin chirp

    How to properly add garlic to home made food?

    Originally Posted by earlybird I don't use much garlic at all. I only use 1 clove per batch. I mince it and mash it on a plate so I don't lose the juice and throw it in with the seafood to be processed/blended. So how much is a clove what unit of measurement is that? I know i'm an idiot...
  3. pimpin chirp

    What is proper method for feeding fish,inverts, and corals

    Originally Posted by renogaw get some fresh garlic and a garlic press. squeeze the garlic in the press, mix it in. people are back and forth as to whether or not garlic helps, but enough say that it helps boost the immune system that i use it. A garlic press? i have no idea what that is. so i...
  4. pimpin chirp

    How to properly add garlic to home made food?

    So I read a few articles about how to make your own fish food using fresh seafood items from the store. I plan on making an attempt at making it this evening. But i'm still confused on one issue the use of garlic in it? How would you place it into the mixture? Is it ok to freeze it or does it...
  5. pimpin chirp

    What is proper method for feeding fish,inverts, and corals

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Be very careful of what you listen to at the LFS. Renogaw is correct, brine is like candy for fish. If they need something small then buy enriched mysis. I just decide imma start making my own food I read beth's food recipe and it makes so much sense to me. I...
  6. pimpin chirp

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    Originally Posted by Waterlogged Do you use ro water. I think they remove chlorine. How long do you mix the water in your vat tank? I haven't been using RO water I been using tap water. and i have been mixing my water and immediately placing it into my tank during water changes I've just learn...
  7. pimpin chirp

    What is proper method for feeding fish,inverts, and corals

    wow throw out the brine thats the exact opposite of what the dude at the LFS told me when i asked what foods should i feed my fish and he pulled out a frozen pack of brine and said "use this"
  8. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    man thats a good look. I appreciate that for real. Imma wait a few more weeks before i get another fish i seen this emperor angel that is so beautiful I have to have it
  9. pimpin chirp

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    well i do use a dechlorinator in it and instant ocean salts thats about it.
  10. pimpin chirp

    Wet/Dry w/bio-balls to Live-rock or Refugium?

    what is a copepod?
  11. pimpin chirp

    What is proper method for feeding fish,inverts, and corals

    I have been running my tank for about 2 months now. I have 2 percula clowns( don't know if they real or false) a engineer goby, lawnmower blenny, a coral banded shrimp, 2 anemones, several snails and hermit crabs, 1 emerald crab, a brittle star, a sand sifting star, pulsing xenia, 2 anemones...
  12. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    Originally Posted by renogaw i acclimate the same way, but you should have done it for a few hours, not just 45 mins. hard to say...couple days later tough to blame on acclimation. was it eating in the lfs, and in your tank? (sry if you already answered, i havent refreshed memory) Like i...
  13. pimpin chirp

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    Originally Posted by Waterlogged Why would your skimmers go crazy after a water change? Mine only do if I notice a fish has injured a fin and I add a little Melafix. I dunno but they did after i did a water change they just started bubbling up like crazy and i turned one of them down by...
  14. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    Originally Posted by renogaw how long did you have the tang, and how did you acclimate it? nitrates at zero in 2 months is quite the feat.. well I bought an established tank from this guy basically took 20 5 gallon buckets and took everything out of his tank and put it into mine so it was my...
  15. pimpin chirp

    Should I run 2 protein skimmers??

    So i have been running a 100 gallon reef tank for about 2 months and I have 2 skimmes. One aquarium systems HOB type and one thats built into my 150gal pro-clear. My question is can you have too much skimming. I did a water change the other day and both skimmers went crazy I had to dump the...
  16. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    The tank is 2 months and my water quality test results are above
  17. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    So i came home on my lunch break to find my yellow tang dead stuck to the side of one of my koralia fans :( i have no idea what could have killed him are they difficult fish to keep?
  18. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    So any ideas on how to get the calcium, phosphate, and KH levels down to where they need to be?
  19. pimpin chirp

    FilterGuys RO/DI?

    Originally Posted by mie PRESSURE GAUGE KIT - $12- Tells you your pressure (for pressurized storage tanks) MEMBRANE FLUSH VALVE - $10- Not sure (sorry) RO BYPASS VALVE $12- Again not sure (sorry) DUAL TDS METER - $35 - measures your "Total Dissolved Solids" How much heavy metals are in the water...
  20. pimpin chirp

    Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

    Originally Posted by mie Not to cause you pain, I found mine for 10 dollars at a garage sale. It retails for about 250. I could not believe it when i saw it. Look online, maybe craigslist. ERRRGGH It was the toilet joke wasn't it. $10 dollars at a garage sale wow what a steal maybe I'll just...