Calcium, Phosphate, KH levels too high? Help!

man thats a good look. I appreciate that for real. Imma wait a few more weeks before i get another fish i seen this emperor angel that is so beautiful I have to have it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pimpin Chirp
So I have been running a 100gallon reef tank on tap water for about two months now. I got 2 perculas, coral banded shrimp (see pic) 2 anemones, xenias, small polyps, mushrooms, tons of snails and hermits, a brittle star, sand sifting star, emerald crab, engineer goby, and a yellow tang granted I just learned (thanks to this site) that tap water is a no-no and I found a glacier water machine by the house today so that will become my new water source and I just got a new API test kit that includes calcium and KH(Carbonate hardness) test and phosphate alll my levels were too high. My test results were as follows:
Calcium 520ppm
KH-17drops (the conversion chart doesn't go past 12 drops)
Phosphate- 1.0ppm
Temp 82F
Nitrate- 0
Salinity 1.024
What kind of effect will these levels have on my fish and inverts and what can i do to lower them to the proper levels?
Well I wish I had this prob I would test the tap for phosphate and if it was close to the tank level I would drop some PhosGuard in my filterand jump for joy


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeoJ
Well I wish I had this prob I would test the tap for phosphate and if it was close to the tank level I would drop some PhosGuard in my filterand jump for joy

phosphates are coming from his cubed brine shrimp


Active Member
My thought was that his elevated alk might come down when he clears up phosphate prob.
Originally Posted by renogaw
phosphates are coming from his cubed brine shrimp
so i made my own fish food so maybe those phospates will drop down some.


Active Member
yup, do some water changes and you'll see it. although... not too many test kits accuratly measure below 1ppm