Originally Posted by
Pimpin Chirp
So I have been running a 100gallon reef tank on tap water for about two months now. I got 2 perculas, coral banded shrimp (see pic) 2 anemones, xenias, small polyps, mushrooms, tons of snails and hermits, a brittle star, sand sifting star, emerald crab, engineer goby, and a yellow tang granted I just learned (thanks to this site) that tap water is a no-no and I found a glacier water machine by the house today so that will become my new water source and I just got a new API test kit that includes calcium and KH(Carbonate hardness) test and phosphate alll my levels were too high. My test results were as follows:
Calcium 520ppm
KH-17drops (the conversion chart doesn't go past 12 drops)
Phosphate- 1.0ppm
Temp 82F
Nitrate- 0
Salinity 1.024
What kind of effect will these levels have on my fish and inverts and what can i do to lower them to the proper levels?
Well I wish I had this prob I would test the tap for phosphate and if it was close to the tank level I would drop some PhosGuard in my filterand jump for joy