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  1. dara

    A brain is a terrible thing to waste!

    Those brains look incredible stuckinfla. I'm starting to think that the brain, at 15 dollars is a great deal.:)
  2. dara

    A brain is a terrible thing to waste!

    Thanks guys. I will put it on the sand bed in a min. As for an update though, it did eat the shrimp I gave it last night, and the tenticles came out. I think it will be fine as long as I continue to monitor it.
  3. dara

    A brain is a terrible thing to waste!

    Hey Forum , On Monday, i purchased a brain for $15:D . The only catch is that it is injured in the area that I circled in the picture:nope: . The skeleton is actually sticking out of it in that area. It has not eaten anything I have tried to give it nor does the tenticles stick out. I have...
  4. dara


    Update: after doing the alkalinity test, I checked the ph as well and it was at 8.2 now. All the parameters seems to be fine at this point. Thanks all for the help.
  5. dara


    Got plants in the refugium? Do you routinely test for alkalinity? Did that change when you added the refugium? If you have a relatively big refugium and you run it 24/7 with lights, then you are doing a lot of photosynthesis, and CO2 consumption. How big is your refugium relative to your display...
  6. dara


    Thanks for the reply. Yes I am testing at the same time of day, actually at night, right after the lights go out. My anemone just stays that way (skinny tenticle, but not unhealthy looking). My concern is just about why they do not actually turn bulb looking.
  7. dara


    Hello, :help: I was just wondering if this is at all normal. The ph has tested out to be about 8.2 for the past 3 months or so consistantly, and all of a sudden it has dropped to about 7.8. The reason why this is weird, is that the only thing I've done prior to this ph change, is that I added...
  8. dara

    What are the most colorful corals?

    This pink tube was bright as well...grew way too big, so returned it for something smaller.
  9. dara

    What are the most colorful corals?

    neon frogspawn, very bright:yes:
  10. dara

    Fairly New Hobbiest, needs warm welcoming

    I have two maxi 900 powerhead that points at an angle of about 45 degrees upwards. I don't feel as if the xenia sees much of that current, so I would have to say moderate current at best. The goniopora feels most of the current. Note: the goniopora is a result of someone who did not do their...
  11. dara

    Fairly New Hobbiest, needs warm welcoming

    the xenia is to the right of the red brain, in the middle of the tank (as in the picture above). I have an ebo-jager heater that keeps the water temperature at 79 degrees solid. I have had the xenias for about 2 weeks. And thanks everyone again for taking the time.:joy:
  12. dara

    Fairly New Hobbiest, needs warm welcoming

    Thankyou all very much. It seems like a very warm place to post questions. I just got my ro/di unit that I bought from ---- about 10 mins ago, and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to install it. It's the unit from filter direct for about 125 dollars shipped. But again, thankyou all. I...
  13. dara

    Fairly New Hobbiest, needs warm welcoming

    Here is my xenia, just one branch (it was free :) )
  14. dara

    Fairly New Hobbiest, needs warm welcoming

    I have a CoralLife 260W compact. I have hiding behind the canopy, an Emperor 400 filter and a prizm skimmer. I suppliment with kent liquid reactor and strontium. When I remember, I throw in some marc weiss marine dna and plankton. That's basically it. Bob, thanks for you promp reply, I...
  15. dara

    Fairly New Hobbiest, needs warm welcoming

    Hey, my girlfriend and I have been in this hobby for about 5 months now. We're fairly happy with the current state of our fish tank, but feel there is more that can be done to improve. Our recent testing of the water parameters are: Nitrate: 30ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Ammonia: 0ppm Ph: 8.2...