

New Member
:help: I was just wondering if this is at all normal. The ph has tested out to be about 8.2 for the past 3 months or so consistantly, and all of a sudden it has dropped to about 7.8. The reason why this is weird, is that the only thing I've done prior to this ph change, is that I added a refugium. I've always thought that this would raise the PH level, instead of allowing it to drop, since I have light on it 24 hours a day.
While I was posting, I might as well ask this next question that I just cannot get find any information on. My bulb anemone seems to look more like a long tentacle anemone for the reason that it does not inflate its tips anymore. It seems to be healthy, and had just recently split into two anemone.
Any help/insight will be appreciated.


Active Member
Are you testing around the same time? PH can vary alittle depending on when you test. I dont have a fuge though, so I do not know if that would effect it or not.
If your anenome just split, give it some time to recover. I think others said about a week and it should start getting back to normal. HTH some.


New Member
Thanks for the reply.
Yes I am testing at the same time of day, actually at night, right after the lights go out.
My anemone just stays that way (skinny tenticle, but not unhealthy looking). My concern is just about why they do not actually turn bulb looking.

bang guy

How long has the refugium been online? How long had it been set up before your connected it to the display?


Hi, and welcome,
Got plants in the refugium? Do you routinely test for alkalinity? Did that change when you added the refugium?
I have a little hypothesis that plant life can consume CO2 to the point that they decrease the carbonate of your water's buffering system. All just speculation, so I am looking for evidence. If you have a relatively big refugium and you run it 24/7 with lights, then you are doing a lot of photosynthesis, and CO2 consumption.
How big is your refugium relative to your display tank?
Sorry to pepper you with questions, I am just curious.
Now to help: If you are not already doing this, you may want to get an alkalinity test kit, Salifert makes a good one, can be had on this site, and see how you are doing there. If your alikalinity needs boosting, there are products to help, or some use baking soda. You may want to do a search on alkalinity, or read up on it in one of your books.
Getting the alkalinity to a good level will stabilize your pH at around 8 whether the lights are on or off. HTH
Best of luck,


New Member
Got plants in the refugium? Do you routinely test for alkalinity? Did that change when you added the refugium?
If you have a relatively big refugium and you run it 24/7 with lights, then you are doing a lot of photosynthesis, and CO2 consumption.
How big is your refugium relative to your display tank?
For BangGuy:
The refugium was connected immediately after it was built, and it had been online for 2 days when I first noticed the drop in ph level.
For Neoreef:
Sorry that I took so long to respond, I was out of town. Well anyways, yes I do have a little bit of callerpa in the refugium (not much at all actually). I have an alkalinity test kit, but it was something that I did not do on a regular basis (forgot I even had the kit). After testing it with the red sea alkalinity test, it appeared to be in the normal range, but barely (close to being in the low range). The refugium is about 10 gallons and the main display is a 50 gallon.


New Member
Update: after doing the alkalinity test, I checked the ph as well and it was at 8.2 now. All the parameters seems to be fine at this point. Thanks all for the help.