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  1. wannabfish

    mh.. how long???

    is your tank up and running already? do you have any corals, fish or other inhabitants in it yet? if not the best thing to do would be to acclimate your tank to the lighting slowly, and increasing the length of time your lights are on over time. Also when your mh's are new, they will have a...
  2. wannabfish

    Help with my sleeper Goby

    anyone with any knowledge on this?
  3. wannabfish

    RBTA proposition

    3 mos. it has almost doubled in size, but hasnt split as of yet
  4. wannabfish

    RBTA proposition

    im no bta expert by any means, but i can tell you that mine is under mh lighting, and seems to prefer to be in the shade under shelves in my tank, but he seems to eat as much as im willing to feed him. Not sure on the split, i have heard alot about them splitting, just not sure how common or...
  5. wannabfish

    Help with my sleeper Goby

    :nervous: :notsure: I purchased a fish about a month ago from the lfs. They had told me it was a yellowhead jawfish and it would be good for my tank. Unfortunately for myself, i just started doing the proper research needed to properly run, stock and maintain a reef aquarium. Come to...
  6. wannabfish


    What you need to do is buy yourself a small piece of silicone air tubing, and slide one end of it up into the u tube. then with the other end, suck which will draw water from the skimmer side to the overflow side of your overflow. sounds confusing, but it is really simple. if you need any more...
  7. wannabfish

    question about new lights

    Im leaving the MH lights on for 8 hours, and the actinics for 10 hours. Im sure the bubbling is either air, oxygen, or as you said nitrogen, im just wondering my the MH lights are causing it to start, and will it stop eventually? am i hurting the cycle at all? any info would be great.
  8. wannabfish

    question about new lights

    When my MH lights are on, it bubbles alot from the sand. when i turn the MH lights off, and leave on only the actinics, after about 5 minutes or so, the bubbling slows, then actually stops. im very confused what is causing this. heat hasnt changed at all. my tank is still cycling, in its 3rd...
  9. wannabfish

    Help rid my stress

    :nervous: Just bought new lighting for 75 gallon tank. MH lights. 1st day i had them on, my live rock began to bubble off the algae. Can someone please explain what, and why this happened? any explanation would be greatly appreciated.
  10. wannabfish

    question about new lights

    Just purchased a 75 gallon tank 3 weeks ago. Had regular flo. lights 40 watt double ballast for the 3 weeks. Since im planning on this being a reef tank, i decided to upgrade lights. went with MH lighting. Today when i came home from work, my tank was bubbling from the live sand. Can anyone...