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  1. buick392

    My lion fish ????

    My lion fish has been eating great but now he hasnt eaten for 2 days now. a little wail ago i put a silverside and it looked at it and i thought it was going to eat it. I think it hasnt eaten becouse he has gotten lots of stres. Could there be another reson? can it be becouse of the thawing...
  2. buick392

    ? on my clown and anemony

    The clown every once in awail it will look at the anemone and just wounder away. So i guess i should go get another anemone. what type of anemone will go good with my clown?
  3. buick392

    ? on my mushrom

    so thats not a good thing to have in my tank?
  4. buick392

    ? on my mushrom

    I was woundering if any type of mushroms reproduce. If they do how long will it take for my mushrom to reproduce a different one?
  5. buick392

    ? on my clown and anemony

    Could it be the posibility that it could be the florida one? Becouse i now that the haition ANEMONE Is kind of redish in the bottom.
  6. buick392

    ? on my clown and anemony

    It is luck if you even get it to host within one of these.???? mine or hatian o condy?
  7. buick392

    ? on my clown and anemony

    If its going to die why does it look nicer every day i see the anenomy. Will the clown fish that i have, Will it host the anenomy? Is that the right anenomy for this fish?
  8. buick392

    ? on my clown and anemony

    If its going to die why does it look nicer every day i see the anenomy. Will the clown fish that i have, Will it host the anenomy? Is that the right anenomy for this fish?
  9. buick392

    Fiji Dive Pics

    Nice picture of the lion fish.
  10. buick392

    ? on my clown and anemony

    The picture of the anemony is some what like it but with a little more purple in it. My tank has bin running for a bout 3-4 weeks. I have two 10 watt 50/50 ( these are the ones that you screw in) they are both pointing out wards. and have a long tube 15 watt white light. Is there a posibility...
  11. buick392

    ? on my clown and anemony

    I have a clarkii clown, and have an anemony but i have had the anemony for a waial. I purchased the clown today and the people at the pet store where telling me that the clown fish should go in the anemony. I dont now what kind of anemony it is. It is kind of purple and the tips are really...