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  1. buick392

    Need help with my tank..

    What do you guys think i should do about my problem. i really want to get some fish in there.
  2. buick392

    Need help with my tank..

    anything on what you think it is?
  3. buick392

    Need help with my tank..

    Do you have an ammonia tester? no What type of lighting do you have?2 15 watt 19",white ,blue Do you have sand or little rocks?i have sand that came in a bag. no little rocks What type of filtration do you have? i have the whisper 20, current blower You said you use saltwater from the local...
  4. buick392

    Need help with my tank..

    I am kinda lost on a couple of things you asked me , but im not home when i get home i will try to answer your questions as good as i could.
  5. buick392

    Need help with my tank..

    Originally posted by Beth Hi, buick. Have you read any books before getting started in the hobby? Since you've been in the hobby, what have you read? This is really a learning hobby and studying is no small factor. Give some details about your set up, type of tank, water you use, sand, rock...
  6. buick392

    Need help with my tank..

    Well ever sence i got the tank i have been rushing and buying stuff to see if it would live but they never live to to to long. I have had my tank for about a year now and i am left with only a tomato clown that i have had for a long time now. Yesturday i went out and bought 2 reef dansels ( the...
  7. buick392

    Problem with my friends tank

    my friend had 4 damsels and one clown only the clown was bigger then a inch so he wasnt to off in his 5.5 gallon tank and he has never tested the ph level nitrite is perfect though and salt level perfect to
  8. buick392

    Problem with my friends tank

    My friend is having a problem with his 5 1/2 gallon tank. He has had numorous fishes in theere that keep on dieing. But dont under stand why. Nitrate is good so is salt water level. The fish get some type white layer of skin over it skin. Dont now what it is. Is it fixible?? Please help!! --Eric
  9. buick392

    ??? on anemone

    I own a sebay anemone, that is growing very well. I would like to put some new different anemone's, but dont now which ones to get. I have enought money to buy any of them.I have a 10 gallon dont now if you need a lot of space to house anemone's. please give me some info . --Eric
  10. buick392

    Any new things???

    15 watt white 15 watt moon coral light
  11. buick392

    Any new things???

    I have a 10 gallon with the following: Tomato clown Normal blue damsel Star fish Horse shoe crab little shrimp One crab Seba anemony Three mushrooms Two feather dusters Can you give me some sugestions on what else to put in my tank. -Eric
  12. buick392

    Do any clown's????

    Do any clown's???? I have a tomato clown in my tank. Would like to put in some other clowns in my tank with it. Will any two different type clowns get along? tomato - clarki " " - maroon " " - percula If they dont, can you put a pair of the same type? -Eric
  13. buick392

    Why do lion fish?????

    Is it ok that they do that?
  14. buick392

    ? on my clown and anemony

    what should i do with anemone? It looks like it is in good shape, and my water is good. There are other little plants in my tank, and a mushrom in there and they are both nice and open.
  15. buick392

    Why do lion fish?????

    Why do lion fish let go some type of liquid that comes of there body. He shakes it off. What is this ????
  16. buick392

    ? on my mushrom

  17. buick392

    ? on my mushrom

    What do you mean by its splitting? my mushrom left a peace of its root on the rock and moved a 1/4 of an inch. does that mean that it reproduced. How long will it take to grow for some one to see it?
  18. buick392

    My lion fish ????

    Why is my tank so small? If you go to a pet store and they sell lion fish there living environment is less than a gallon tank. Please for any reson tell me why i shouldnt keep my fish. My worries went away. It ait at least 7 miniture shrimp today and looks really happy.
  19. buick392

    My lion fish ????

    I have the anenomy , a mushrom , 1 clown , the lion fish , and two damsels.
  20. buick392

    My lion fish ????

    my lion fish is a volitan lion. 10 gallon i have had it for about 2 1/2 weeks feed it half a silver side a day Stress becouse i have motherd it by putting new fish in the tank and the lion fish getting aggressive with the other fish. What other types of food are the lion fish favorites?