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  1. brandoncena

    what is a "Q word tank" ???

    yea but when he starts getting big im going to sell him to the petstore and what is dt??? so then i should just do it in the tank hes in now?
  2. brandoncena


    ok thanks
  3. brandoncena

    what is a "Q word tank" ???

    i dont have any live rock or invertabrates and my blue tang isnt big its only like 2 inches
  4. brandoncena

    what is a "Q word tank" ???

    both my blue tang has a little bit of ick and i have to put medicine in my regular tank and everyother fish is in there and i dont want to do that
  5. brandoncena

    what is a "Q word tank" ???

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz QT stands for "quarantine tank". There are absolutely necessary if you strive to keep a disease-free display tank. To set one up, the essentials are: -10-20 gallon aquarium -hang on the back power filter -powerhead -heater -fake decorations or PVC piping for...
  6. brandoncena

    what is a "Q word tank" ???

    a blue tang or any fish i have so do u think a 10 gal would be good for those
  7. brandoncena


    should i put a heater in my tank because my pet store says i dont have to and other pet stores tell me i have to so what should i do?
  8. brandoncena

    what is a "Q word tank" ???

    how big does it have to be and do i have to put sand and all that stuff in there?
  9. brandoncena

    what is a "Q word tank" ???

    i was wondering so i could get one?
  10. brandoncena

    how many fish can i put in my tank???

    Originally Posted by Torno Sharkboy, don't nitpick, it's annoying. We both agree that the current tank he has is too small for tangs. If you want to be able to keep tangs, a 6' tank is needed. I'm not sure on the approximate size of those two tangs, but probably in the 100 gallon range. You're...
  11. brandoncena

    how many fish can i put in my tank???

    Originally Posted by Torno I know how you feel having a small tank, and wanting to get the big, nice, colorful fish. But the thing is, you need to stay within your (and the fish's) limits. Trust me, I learned the hard way too. I've lost fish for this reason as well. Don't be discouraged though...
  12. brandoncena

    how many fish can i put in my tank???

    Originally Posted by fedukeford IMO tangs need 6' of swimming space, so unless you have a 6 foot 29 gallon get rid of them im gonna try really hard to get rid of them but idk whats gonna happen if the store doesnt take them back
  13. brandoncena

    how many fish can i put in my tank???

    Originally Posted by Torno FORCE your LFS to take back the tangs. Tell them your tank is overstocked and they are going to die if they don't. Hell, bag them up, throw them on the counter and run out if you have to. When you have as many fish as you do in such a small tank, the beneficial...
  14. brandoncena

    how many fish can i put in my tank???

    i just got my blue tang the day after christmas and i had all the other fish before that but with all the fish prob about 4 months with everything except the blue tang prob abot 6 - 8 months
  15. brandoncena

    how many fish can i put in my tank???

    Originally Posted by Torno Or did you just join to get the boards in an uproar over your fish selection, etc? I guess not, I apologize. But your tank is going to eventually crash with the amount of fish you have in there. so what should i do then????? and in what way is it going to crash?
  16. brandoncena

    how many fish can i put in my tank???

    Originally Posted by fedukeford You have way too many fish as it is, i wouldnt be surprised of the tangs get ich and die in such a small tank. You can only have 2 per tank (and they have to be the same kind) if u put 3 in one would end up gettin killed. 1/100 morish idol will live past a year in...
  17. brandoncena

    moorish idol ????

  18. brandoncena

    how many fish can i put in my tank???

    what are u talking about lol ?
  19. brandoncena

    Moorish Idols?

    does anyone know what these fish are like in a aquarium i was going to get one but i wasnt sure about them can anyone help me?
  20. brandoncena

    moorish idol ????

    does anyone know anything about this fish i was planning on getting one and im knot sure what there like or how hard they are ???