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  1. jt

    Help me with cycling please

    Yep. Definitely too many fish at once. Try one or two at a time, every week or two. It sounds like you were extremely patient and "by the book" on setting it up and cycling, but adding all that at the start was definitely not patient. Very tempting though! Try some reverse osmosis (r.o.) water...
  2. jt

    Fish are dying off

    Thanks everyone. It's been 5 days since the last casualty and all appears well. I appreciate the time you all took to respond.
  3. jt

    Fish are dying off

    Interesting thoughts Harris. Thanks again for the input. Now let me shoot down all of your suggestions. The pet store people suggested the ammonia spike too, but ruled it out since two fish died 2 days apart instead at the same time. They tested the ph too and it was up - perfect. Regarding...
  4. jt

    example why reef tanks are cool

    Yeah, I've found a few surprises as well. We found a hermit crab and a slug-looking critter. There's often some new growth or previously unseen life form on one of the rocks....
  5. jt

    Fish are dying off

    Thanks for the response, Harris. I added fish fairly gradually. The wrasse was the first new one in about 6 weeks. All are small except the blenny and wrasse, so I don't have that many "inches" of fish. You may be right about the ammonia, but the store tested it and it was fine. The small damsel...
  6. jt

    Fish are dying off

    i have a 30 gallon reef that has been set up for about 6 months. i have a cardinal, two yellow tailed damsels, pygmy angel, peppermint shrimp, hermit crab and 5 snails. until this week i also had a lawnmower blenny and a five line wrasse that we bought five days ago. we also bought a red...