Search results

  1. john-nyc

    Aquapod vs. BioCube - Help!!

    I tossing and turning between the Aquapod 25g or a Biocube 30g. Which has better potential for growing as far as I am concerned. Is the Aquapod for newbie with limited growth potential? Is the Biocube better in the long run for upgrades etc... Is there another company that I did not mention ...
  2. john-nyc

    Electricity Usage

    I'm thinking about starting up a 75 gallon tank and was wondering if my electric bill will go through the roof. I would get a sump, skimmer etc... Reading lots but nothing talks of power draw or anything like that. Maybe I should get an Aquapod or BioCube 14 or 29 gallon instead. I'm in Queens...
  3. john-nyc

    FishTownUSA in Queens NY

    Has anyone ever heard of Fishtown USA in Queens New York???
  4. john-nyc

    New 75g - Which Filter ? Help

    Is the Sedra good enough in the GPH department. I read that you shoud have at least 10x the amount of gallons in the tank. Is this true or am I misunderstanding something about what is meant by GPH
  5. john-nyc

    New 75g - Which Filter ? Help

    The Sedra connects to the Wet/Dry hidden away under the stand correct ? Any other power heads for water circulation ??? Could the equipment you stated also be good for 90g in case I would rather get that. Basically 75 and 90 same size except for tank hight.
  6. john-nyc

    New 75g - Which Filter ? Help

    Tank isn't drilled so I guess I need an overflow box
  7. john-nyc

    New 75g - Which Filter ? Help

    The stand is 48inch long by 18 wide by 30 high. Can you give me a model from the aquarium supplies page on this site for Skimmer , Filter , Pumps etc... Appreciated for sure
  8. john-nyc

    New 75g - Which Filter ? Help

    I'm just about to get a 75g tank and stand and I would like to order from this site the correct Pro Clear Wet/Dry but not sure which would be the correct model for a tank this size. Also, what skimmer would be good to order from here. I'm going to setup Fish with Live Sand and Live Rock. Any...
  9. john-nyc

    Giving Up Before Getting Started - So Confused

    I guess I'm in Maintenance won't be a problem because I like tinkering. I already have lots of maintenance with all my radio controlled cars, planes and helicpoters that I either race or fly on a regular basis and they always need attention so that won't be a problem for the aquarium. I...
  10. john-nyc

    Giving Up Before Getting Started - So Confused

    I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone for the moral boost. I just ordered The Conscientious Marine Aquarist and I will take it from there
  11. john-nyc

    Giving Up Before Getting Started - So Confused

    I've been reading on here for a about a week now lots of post and I'm getting more confused as I read. I wanted to setup a 75 gallon tank but so confused on what type of filter to purchase, then pumps, skimmer, lighting etc.. I wanted to setup a FOWLR but I'm reading and talking myself out of...
  12. john-nyc

    Vacation - Fish without food ?

    What are my options then for evaporation ?? I really need a vacation this summer :-) Thanks , John
  13. john-nyc

    Recommend a good Wet/Dry Filter - Help

    I'm not rich or anything but I figured a few hundred buck wasn't that big a deal when everything else in this hobby costs an arm and a leg. I was thinking about 75 pounds of rock or so which is very costly in and of itself. Is more rock needed ??
  14. john-nyc

    LFS In NYC 5 Boro's - ??? Help

    Thanks, I beleive they are on Northern Blvd. I'm looking for a whole 75 gallon setup. I had a tank about 10 years ago for a few years before I moved and would like to start up another now. I guess i'm looking for under tank in stand sump, protein skimmer etc..
  15. john-nyc

    Recommend a good Wet/Dry Filter - Help

    Can anyone recommend a good wet/dry filter to purchase for a 75 gallon FOWLR setup that I'm going to be purchasing. Anyone have any experience with Proclear Aquatics. Thanks
  16. john-nyc

    UniQuarium Product Help

    Does anyone have any experience or would they recommend or not recommend a UniQuarium setup. Is it better to buy individual pieces?
  17. john-nyc

    Vacation - Fish without food ?

    Wow, thanks for all the quick replies. My tank is a 75 gallon in Queens New York
  18. john-nyc

    Vacation - Fish without food ?

    I might be going away for 4 days and have nobody to feed my fish. How long cna they go without food or am I taking a huge gamble ??
  19. john-nyc

    LFS In NYC 5 Boro's - ??? Help

    The 5 Boro's of New York City are Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Bronx and Manhattan. Yes you can say are counties that make up the whole city.
  20. john-nyc

    LFS In NYC 5 Boro's - ??? Help

    Can anyone recommend a good LFS in the 5 Boro's of New York City ???