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  1. elmonodelmar

    What to do with my Eclipse 6?

    I thought about a mantis, but not for long. I think it's a little too strange to have something that dangerous in the tank.
  2. elmonodelmar

    What to do with my Eclipse 6?

    Well I've decided to go with a lot of shrimp and stuff. Maybe I'll move some small coral frags from my 20 later on. In there right now I've got: 1 Anemone Crab 1 HUGE Emerald Crab (I love this guy. So much personality) 1 Condylactis Anemone 1 Sexy Shrimp (He just hangs out in the condy) 1...
  3. elmonodelmar

    2 Sexy Shrimp

    Great, thanks.
  4. elmonodelmar

    2 Sexy Shrimp

    This isn't exactly a fish question but I was wondering if it is ok to put 2 sexy shrimp together. I ordered a pair from my LFS and they only sent me one. So there's going to be no way for me to tell the --- of my current shrimp or predict the --- of my new one. Would they kill each other if...
  5. elmonodelmar

    What to do with my Eclipse 6?

    Someone on another forum mentioned a mated pair of Harlequin Shrimp feasting on a starfish. My only problem with that is I don't know if I could sit there and watch a starfish getting slowly eaten to death. I would think that would have to hurt like no other.
  6. elmonodelmar

    What to do with my Eclipse 6?

    What kinds of really cool inverts and crabs are out there? I haven't really seen any super colorful inverts since I've been in the reef hobby. How about making it some sort of species only tank? I know it would need to be some sort of small, perhaps an agressive invert or something of the...
  7. elmonodelmar

    What to do with my Eclipse 6?

    I just recently purchased an Eclipse 6, and now I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. I've already got a 20g nano reef that I started 6 months ago, and it's progressing nicely. I bought the 6 gallon as something that I could take to college so that I wouldn't have to drop the salt water...
  8. elmonodelmar

    order from

    Every once in a while you can get lucky on a dragonet. I've got one in my 20H. I've had to work my butt off to feed that thing but I think it's well worth it. I feed live phytoplankton every other day and live brine once a week. The phytoplankton works great for stimulating the copepod...
  9. elmonodelmar

    Thoughts on Neon Gobies and Purple Firefish

    Anyone have any thoughts on Neon Gobies and Purple Firefish. I've got a Neon now and it seems to not be eating. I'm looking into getting a purple firefish and I'm just wondering what your guys' thoughts on these fish are.
  10. elmonodelmar

    Brown Spots on my Chromis

    I've recently got a green chromis from my LFS and he appears to have brownish/red blotches about the size of his scales on his body (about 2 blotches on his right and 3 on his left). You really have to look hard to see these blotches but I'm worried that something's wrong with it? This little...
  11. elmonodelmar

    nano size

    I like my 20H. It fits pretty well since horizontal space is usually the issue.
  12. elmonodelmar

    Live Sand Question

    I bummed some sand from a friend. Cheap and quality guaranteed if you trust the person. Cycled my tank in a few days. Arag is good if you can't get the fresh stuff. We sell that where I work and usually get good results with it.
  13. elmonodelmar

    Just started a new 20H

    Well I think the fecal matter from the damsel did the trick. The tank appears to be through the first cycle. (As far as I can tell according to my water tests and the links you gave me in earlier posts). My damsel was a little stressed out and got an eye infection so I took him back so he...
  14. elmonodelmar

    Just started a new 20H

    Oh boy! I'm so excited! I just got my first salt water fish! I got my water tested today and found that it was cycling but it was going a little slow. My fish guru told me that I should look into pickign up an extra piece of LR and a Damsel. I got that and a bottle of prime. He said to...
  15. elmonodelmar

    Just started a new 20H

    I'm not sure what all a cycle involves. I just got involved in this hobby. I'll read those links you suggested. About the bugs. I had one of my friends look at it. He's a saltwater guru and he said not to worry about it. I'm gonna bring a water test into work today to see what the readings...
  16. elmonodelmar

    Just started a new 20H

    I think I'm getting 10,000 something and an actenic light. I'm not really sure. My friend that works with me is getting me all set up with this stuff. Also, I've had a problem with the little black "bugs" that swim around in the LR dying and coming to the surface. Is this anything to worry...
  17. elmonodelmar

    Just started a new 20H

    The tank is all setup except for the lighting. I'm waiting on about 100 dollars that I should be getting from ---- soon. Right now it's got about 25 lbs LS and 1.75 LBS LR so it looks pretty bare. I set the tank up 2 days ago so by the time I get my money from ---- and special order the...
  18. elmonodelmar

    Just started a new 20H

    Maybe I will get rid of the glass tops if they're that much of a problem. I think my skimmer was a prizm something or other made for a 100 gal tank. Does that sound correct?
  19. elmonodelmar

    Just started a new 20H

    I don't remember what kind of skimmer I got. I just bought as a package with the LS. I think I'll keep it since it was pretty much free. If nothing else it will just help me keep the water flowing in the right direction. My friend who works at a pet store with me already has the lighting...
  20. elmonodelmar

    Just started a new 20H

    This is my first experience with a reef tank and here's what I got so far. Can you guys look at this and tell me if it was a deal or if I got the shaft? Thanks a lot. 20H Tank- $32 Glass Top- 17 Tetra Tec PF150- 24 T Tec Heat Capsule- 22 (Ugly) Tank Stand- 24 I also hassled one of my friends...