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  1. circesmagic

    Diagnose me, Please

    I have Live Rock and fake rock in my tank, I treat my tank with Purple up everyday as per the Fish Dude, my LR has began growing these things, while I am happy to see things popping up I am concerned....Friend or Foe?
  2. circesmagic

    My 220 tank

    My 220 Gallon Tank, my husband has always wanted a saltwater tank, I have the pleasure of the up keep, boy he's great huh? LOL! I have no clue what anything is, I pretty much told the Fish Dude to give me what I needed and he set everything up. I have decided that I simply can't afford to put...
  3. circesmagic

    Newbie here with a few puffer questions

    Hello Everyone, new here to the board, alot of information is to be had here....I have a 220 gallon tank, I have 8 damsels and 1 Porcupine Puffer, I have been trying to read up on them and make him as happy and keep him as healthy as possible....I understand you can feed them shell food, like...
  4. circesmagic

    Newbie here, would like Puffer assistance

    Thank you, I am a brand new Hoosier, just arrived from NYC....I had no idea they were aggressive....will go check out the board, thanks for the welcome, looking forward to learning alot here!
  5. circesmagic

    Newbie here, would like Puffer assistance

    Hello Everyone, I am new to the board as well as the hobby. I just bought a Porcupine Puffer fish and would like to learn more about them....any suggestions for weblinks or books would be appreciated.