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  1. circesmagic

    What other fish can go with these...

    my tank seems to be slightly aggressive...tangs and puffer and all..with you know we are brand spanking new to the hobby....we are trying to do everything possibly right...the hardest thing is from fish store to fish store no matter what i do is i seem to figure this...
  2. circesmagic

    Do I have room for another fish, suggestions?

    Beautiful tank... I love all your live rock!
  3. circesmagic

    What other fish can go with these...

    1 Gold Stripe Clown 1 Clown (nemo) 1 Porcupine Puffer 1 FoxFace 1 Yellow Tang 1 Powder Brown Tang 8 Damsels 1 cucumber 3 anemones I would love some color, without overstocking what others could I put with these guys? 220 gallon, and right now everyone is still small. And not to start trouble but...
  4. circesmagic

    puffer help please...

    He will only eat from my hand so unless I have time to stand there holding a clam he is out of luck...we did offer him an open one and he was afraid of the shell but once we took the meat out he ate it.
  5. circesmagic

    puffer help please...

    Sorry to be a pain but...I have tried many things to get this little guy to eat so that he could keep his "beak" trim...he is afraid of clams and muscles, but will eat them if they are out of the do I get him to actually work for it or could it be that he is just too young? He does...
  6. circesmagic

    filter question

    Actually mine are white and very thin, and get dirty real quick!
  7. circesmagic

    Anemone behavior

    Thank you thank you for your input..they have been eating shrimp, a little bit everyday because the clown steals it from the puffer, the small pieces that float down that is.
  8. circesmagic

    Anemone behavior

    I don't understand what you mean by bleached? Its main body is a rose color its arms are green, the little one has a pink body and its arms are green also. Is there something I can do for it?
  9. circesmagic

    Anemone behavior

    Here is my other little guy...
  10. circesmagic

    Anemone behavior

    It is a Bubble is a picture of when I first brought it home, it pretty much looks the same only upside down...
  11. circesmagic

    Anemone behavior

    My big anemone with the gold striped clownfish moved himself during the night and attached himself to a piece of rock, but he is hanging upside this normal? it looks cool, but of course he moved himself into the back so you cant really see him well, should I move him or leave him be...
  12. circesmagic

    filter question

    Thank you!
  13. circesmagic

    filter question

  14. circesmagic

    RO water???

    Thanks, I top off with RO water I get from the fish dude Just making sure i was doing the right thing.
  15. circesmagic

    my silly puffer

    my silly puffer has found his spit, LOL...he spit at me as I was feeding him, then my husband didn't believe me until he SOAKED my husband who was teasing him with a shrimp...he really is a character! just wanted to share
  16. circesmagic

    my anemone moved

    the little guy moved himself to a little space in my live this good? He hasn't changed since I brought him home a few days ago, so is it ok to think that maybe he is happy?
  17. circesmagic

    filter question

    I have a wet/dry filter and would like to know if there is another place I could buy the filter pads from, maybe like home depot and cut it down to size, but what is it called? Thanks!
  18. circesmagic

    RO water???

    When you say topping off do you mean, filling up to the line in the bottom tank of your system where the water evaporates from? Thanks
  19. circesmagic

    Anemone feeding question

    I was feeding my puffer some shrimp and my gold stripe clown stole a piece and brought it back to his anemone eat shrimp? And for a 220 tank what lighting would you recommend, I have 2 anemones, 1 puffer, 2 clowns and some damsels...Thanks.