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  1. codestopr

    Truth about Leathers

    I hope not I've had them together for a long time with no prob.
  2. codestopr

    baby cleaner shimps

    I fed mine shrimp pellets and the liked it I don't know if its propper care but mine are about 6m's old now and health. Good luck.
  3. codestopr

    LaMotte test kits?

    Yes all kits eventualy contact manufactur for exsact experation limmits. Of you want a good way to test it take atleast a shot glass of water to a ***** or any other store and have them test your water with their kits. (*****'s do this free) then test with your kit and se how off you kit truely...
  4. codestopr

    What is this on my coral??

    <>< Do they look like baby feather dusters ? <>< If not determin if they are hurting anything their are so many strange thing that can spring up on rocks. My best advice is to bag it up and bring it to the experts in your area. A local ***** will usualy have a fish spechilist who can help. If...
  5. codestopr

    I've been a bad, bad, boy....

    I found the ugf to work well with 2 power heads on it low flow out and reverse on the other side. It keeps a low amount of water movement under the grave but if you have sand then don't try it it will mess up the pumps. I find great feed back from my costomers at my store on this one.