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  1. perryfish

    Tap, or Distilled H2O????

    Thanks.... I'll have to look into getting one. I heard about them but it somehow never crossed my mind for this tank. Thanks again.. Perryfish
  2. perryfish


    holy cow man, thats one big fish
  3. perryfish

    Pic of tank

    and another
  4. perryfish

    Pic of tank

    up close
  5. perryfish

    Pic of tank

    This is one of my tanks
  6. perryfish

    Why would the water get CLOWDY?

    Your tank should have cycled by now. Have you put anything in it yet. If not then your filter system might not be big enough to compliment the tank.
  7. perryfish

    Why would the water get CLOWDY?

    It can get cloudy for lots of different reasons. It can just be as simple as your filter needs cleaned or that you need to rr some water and clean the tank. Try the simplest things first. How old is your tank?
  8. perryfish

    Tap, or Distilled H2O????

    Ohh thanks for the water tip and another ?. Can I mix the crushed coral w/ the sand or would that be stupid?
  9. perryfish

    Tap, or Distilled H2O????

    Justin The link is www.***********.com/a_ps_va.asp If that doesnt work here is their home page www.***********.com Its called the ViaAqua Multi-Skimmer. If you have any ?'s let me know. Oh on that web page its only $118.00 I got ripped....
  10. perryfish

    Tap, or Distilled H2O????

    Hey I am starting my new tank. I bought a multi-skimmer with UV light inside the skimmer. Only $149.00. Anyways I am setting it up with a 40lb bag of crushed coral. That should be enough to give me 3 to 3 1/2 inchins on the bottom. But my question is do I use distilled or tap water??? In...
  11. perryfish

    Pics of my fish

    I have had him over a year now. He hasn't been to hard to keep alive. He would always hide behind some rocks and acted really shy when some one would walk up to the tank. 2 months later I put a 2nd maroon clown fish in the tank forgetting that he can be agressive and should be the last fish...
  12. perryfish

    Pics of my fish

    This is Perry and Shell-A
  13. perryfish

    Pics of my fish

    These are my fish
  14. perryfish

    Quick ponderment on....

    I have a 1 1/2" of sand, and with that there is 3/4" of the white carbon rocks. There is no live rock. I run 3 filters 2 EHEIM Canister filters one on each side 1 Back hanging trickle filter There are so many of them it is hard to choose Palythoa Button coral some of the stoney corals...
  15. perryfish

    Quick ponderment on....

    Quick ponderment... I have three tanks. 125, 42, and 25. I was going to convert the 42 gallon tank from fresh water to salt water. I want to do a coral tank but I have never done that type of tank before. My question is would it be better if I made the 125 gal (already salt) into the coral...
  16. perryfish

    1st dead fish in a year

    Got my tank up and running about a year ago. I have had really good luck with the tank and the fish. Not a single fish has died. Until 2 days ago. I had a Powder Blue Surgon Fish and a Foxfaced Rabbit fish. Got them both as small fish. The got along and they never acted hostile towards...