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  1. nater


    I would use caution when adding buffers to directly alter PH. Try researching this in other threads--maintaining your systems alkalinity and calcium levels is directly related to a stable PH. Adding buffers to affect these parameters is much less likely to cause problems down the road. My...
  2. nater

    Hello everyone!!

    Okay Okay--I was excited that I finally figured the upload thing out, and my pics are super small! I'll keep trying--will photos you can click and enlarge on photobucket upload to this site?
  3. nater

    mh how far from water ?

  4. nater

    where do i find eggcrate at???

    excellent idea w/ the hacksaw--that's they way I would go if I could cut in a straight line
  5. nater

    DT's Phtyoplankton ???

    I've actually heard, but not read, that xenia like higher levels of iodine in the water. I have 2 colonies and don't dose or test for iodine. Phytoplankton consumption is something i've heard but also never read any evidence to prove it. I never got the memo on this either. LOL
  6. nater

    where do i find eggcrate at???

    I havent used it first hand, but I would imagine a jigsaw, tablesaw, circular saw with a fine toothed blade would cut it nice and clean. The stuff they sell is actually for flourescent lighting--the type that's recessed in a drop ceiling--so I wouldn't worry about it melting, even with MH. As...
  7. nater

    Kh Question

    This Is Probably A Dumb Question But Can Anyone Explain To Me What Kh Is And What To Do If It Is High Like 200? All Other Levels In My Tank Are Okay, Calcium Was At 400, Expect Nitrates Which Were At 20, Nitrite And Ammonia Undetectable, Ph 8.3. Thanks For Your Help Kh is the Carbonite Hardness...
  8. nater

    DT's Phtyoplankton ???

    Xenia are filter feeders, as well as feather dusters, clams (although only for a supplement to light when on the small side), and phytoplankton will theoretically benefit all of the above and most inverts. To the best of my knowledge, a RBTA likes meatier forms of nutrition, but may also...
  9. nater

    where do i find eggcrate at???

    Lowes, Home Depot, etc carry it--I think Lowes calls it "light diffuser" or something similar. Nate
  10. nater

    Test Kit suggestions?

    I currently use nothing but Salifert, and I think they're the best for the money. I have a LaMotte test kit for Nitrate and it's pretty nice, but I don't think worth the $. I usually test for Alk and Calcium daily, but only because I recently switched from a 2 part additive to Limewater with a...
  11. nater

    Hello everyone!!

    Working on pics still!! Having trouble with my files being oversized--I edit to lowest quality and they still won't fit!! Can get them down to about 520 x 650, and about 1.0 mb. Any suggestions?
  12. nater

    PinPoint PH Monitor question

    Hi all, Just recently bought a pinpoint PH monitor, calibrated it as instructed, and when I put it in the tank it jumped around like mad. I waited a day, re-calibrated it, and placed in the tank again. I've now noticed that at night or when just the actinics are on, it stops fluctuating and...
  13. nater

    Hello everyone!!

    Hi all, Just recently bought a pinpoint PH monitor, calibrated it as instructed, and when I put it in the tank it jumped around like mad. I waited a day, re-calibrated it, and placed in the tank again. I've now noticed that at night or when just the actinics are on, it stops fluctuating and...
  14. nater

    Hello everyone!!

    Long time reader, first post. Must say I love the forum and have found very useful information throughout the last 1 1/2 years of having my tank. Some pics below--please let me know what you think, and sorry for the poor quality pics--still learning with photography! In summary my equipment...