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  1. clamp

    What do I need to make mh lights?

    For a 20 and or 30.. you would be fine with a store bought PC set up .. 96W half atinic half 10,000K.. that is suffienct for a great reef tank.
  2. clamp

    What do I need to make mh lights?

    My set up probably cost around $300 after all was said and done. I bought more stuff then i ended up needing.. The whole hting was a learning process. I could probably do it for $225 - $250 the next time around. That said.. I never sat down and calculated the final cost.. I know it did take alot...
  3. clamp

    What do I need to make mh lights?

    BW You ask how is it working... Its working very well.. If i had it to do over, I would change alot of it. Maybe early next year, ill rebuild it. To deal with heat, I picked up 3 110VAC fans.. They came out of old Xerox copiers, and they move heat like you wouldnt believe. My tank's temp hasnt...
  4. clamp

    What do I need to make mh lights?

    TankGirl Figureing out the Ballasts I needed was were all of my research went for this project. Everything starts at the Ballast... My design is the one 400MH and 2 "sets" of 40W flouresents... The MH has its own Ballast, and est "Set" of FLs do too. THis makes a total ballast count of 3 The MH...
  5. clamp

    What do I need to make mh lights?

    TankGirl The K you see on lighting stands for the Kelvin rating of the light output. Kelvin is of course a temperature.. so think of it as a color temp rating.. from what I understand the range is from 0K to 20,000K... The colors start out in the ultraviolet -> red (0K) and go to white and then...
  6. clamp

    What do I need to make mh lights?

    The rule is really 3 - 5 WPG.. some even go upto 12WPG... Check out this thread Lighting Post Post some of the acronims you are confussed on, and maybe I can help. Clamp
  7. clamp

    Max Wattage

    Well Guys/Gals Thanks for your input on this... The canopy has been built and it up and running. I ended up with 1 400W in the center, and 4x40W atinic flourecsents... I mounted a large intake fan to move the heat away from the tank, and had to mount a large fan on the MH ballast itself (got way...
  8. clamp

    What do I need to make mh lights?

    Hey... I just got done (about 2 weeks ago) building a canopy with one 400W MH and 4x40W flourescents.. I would be more than happy to help you out some. Let me know if your interested, and ill give you my email address and/or chat handle. Clamp
  9. clamp

    Finger Leather Coral

    Hi Just got a small Finger Leather Coral from lfs. Where whould i be placing this specimen? Right now (post acclimation) I have it in the upper 1/3rd of the tank (110 Tall with 1 400W MH, and 4 40W Atinic flourencents)... Let me know what you think. Thanks Clamp
  10. clamp

    3 month old 110 tall

    Thanks for the encouraging remarks.. Today was payday... and i have vowed to get one small coral every payday. So .. when i post my "After" picture in a year... it should look well developed... Will Kenya Trees multiply in captivity? Thanks Again Clamp
  11. clamp

    What Type of Tangs in 180Gallon

    In a tank that large, you shouldn't have much of a problem adding various tangs. However.. be careful not to add too many fish too fast.. this causeing a spike in the bio load and every one gets ich and dies. One caution: always be aware of the "Shapes" of the fish you are adding. Avoid two fish...
  12. clamp

    Help w/ algae..Im getting aggrivated.

    Get a phospor test kit, and check your level. My guess is that its too high (most often caused by overfeeding). A large clean up crew of turbo snails and various crabs will help clean it up over the course of a couple weeks. Clamp
  13. clamp

    3 month old 110 tall

    Ok... this tank you see is 3 months old. I just put a 400 W Iwasaki running on a mercury vapor ballast.. that plus 4 40W atinics give me 560 W,, The tank was really an upgrade from my 55... filter and all of the rock and such, minus the sand was brought over from the old tank. This is my...
  14. clamp

    Show your DIY completed stand

    I just got my DIY suspended canopy up.. and i must say.. i wont post a picture of it.... im embarassed after looking at these photos.... NIce stuff.. Im very impressed! Keep it up Clamp
  15. clamp


    Hey.. I didnt exactly read the whole post (i did my best, but i have ADHD).. but thats a damn fine job of describing reef tank lighting. Way to Be Clamp
  16. clamp

    MH lights won't go on!

    Yeah it sounds like your just not waiting long enough for them to fire. Be patient with MHs. Clamp
  17. clamp

    Help with MV and MH bulbs

    Hi I bought a ballast. It is a 400 mercury Vapor ballast. The guy I bought it from said it will run a 400W M59 MH bulb. I am not finding alot of information about running MHs with a MV ballast. Can anyone shed some light on this subject? I can provide the model number of the ballast if need be...
  18. clamp

    Max Wattage

    Heres my current design idea... Im looking on auction sites for hardware (ballasts and such)... 2X250 halides and a single 48 inch PC wired to a master switch. (that should put me slightly over 5WPG) When the master switch is thrown the MHs power down and the 2X40W flouresecents come on for the...
  19. clamp

    Max Wattage

    I was just using 12WPG as an example. My tank is a 110 tall, so it is very deep. MH is probably the way to go for the pentration aspect. The question becomes then, 2X250W or 1X400 + vho/pc's, etc. Clamp
  20. clamp

    Tank Placement in Room

    How many of you can watch your reef tank while you post messages on I have my tank setup on a wall facing perpendicular to my computer table. Its great i get to chat with family and watch my tangs. Clamp