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  1. clamp

    Max Wattage

    Ok... Here is one for all you pros out there. I am gathering equipment through ---- and a buddy of mine who owns a fish store. I am building a custom suspended canopy for my 110. At this point I am looking at MHs VHO's PCs, and Ive designed three different setups. All of my designs so far stay...
  2. clamp

    New 110 setup

    Ok ill give up the info on cost. I bought the tank, stand, filter, slimmer, coral skeletons, and one of the light strips as a used deal at my buddies store for $500 even (i think thats cheap, but the tank wasnt ever cleaned and the stand was all black). My wife and I stripped and refinnished the...
  3. clamp

    New 110 setup

    Here is a link to an image taken the morning after the aquascaping (now that the dust has settled) let me know what you think (pardon the streaks ont he glass.. I still havent gotten to cleaning it yet, but ill do that tonight) Thanks
  4. clamp

    New 110 setup

    I want to see them too.. but for some reason, im having trouble posting the images.. lets try again....
  5. clamp

    New 110 setup

    OK here it is... I just put this 110 tall up in my basment living room. This is a tank "Upgrade". I cycled a new canister filter for 3 weeks on the 55 setup. Then we drained the 55, and erected the 110 with my old water and rock, and rock and water from my hospital tank. The only new addition is...
  6. clamp

    Tips On Photography

    Well... I tried the low resolution photography.. crappy idea. It made bad pictures worse! And then I tried using the flash, and ill tell ya.. not too shabby. It gives the camera something its expecting to focus on, and the images came out nice. The down side is, the flash drowns out the tank...
  7. clamp

    Tips On Photography

    Yeah i would say never to the flash.. the light would reflect off of the glass of the tank! I was asking my buddy (who just got done cycling his 265!!), and he said to try lower resolution settings on the camera.. Im gonna give that a try and post back with my findings. Clamp
  8. clamp

    Sick Tomini Surgeon

    I will admit... i do tend to stock too quick.. I have a 30 gal that is almost 1.5 years old now... i should sell the fish and set that up as my QT. I gotta talk the wife into that... Thanks for replying... What do you think of adding the Kent treatment? any thoughts? ever used it? its called...
  9. clamp

    Sick Tomini Surgeon

    I did nothing for the Ich... he broke out, and i noticed it in the morning before work.... and while I considered medication it began to fall off, over the course of a few days. So i did nothing. I think what I am going to do for this issue is introduce Kent rx-P.. its all natural, and I belive...
  10. clamp

    Sick Tomini Surgeon

    Ok, I am at aloss for what to do. I have a 55 RT. inhabitants are: 1 Yellow Tang 1 Maroon Clown 1 Banana wrasse 1 Blue Devil Damsel 1 SeaBay Anonome 1 poylp Colony 1 Flame Scallop a bnunch of crabs 40 lbs of LR (which I am contunally adding to) and 15 or so Turbo Snails and last by not least my...
  11. clamp

    Tips On Photography

    Hi All I really want to post some images of my tank, but im having troubles.. I cant seem to get a clear image.. Im using a 2.1 Megapixel Oplympus.. How do you all get such nice clear images??? Help please Thanks Clamp
  12. clamp

    Do Clowns Treat A Toadstool Like An Anemone?

    I havea little percula that thinks my Flower Pot Coral is an anenome... He wont leave it, but to feed. Its cool
  13. clamp

    Har algea

    Yeah thats a good point.. i didnt really think about that, my apologies. Clamp
  14. clamp

    Har algea

    I had a huge problem with a hair algea bloom in my 30 gallon tank... I actually bought the "Algea Attack Pack" from FFexpress, and it worked wonders .. within a week the rocks were clean and the glass was beautiful.. http://www.***********.com/product/p...=25&pCatId=520 ... It worked great for...
  15. clamp

    Black Hair Algae

    I have 5 in there now, plus 2 hermits, and 5 little black and white stripped crabs.. the algae showed up over the past two or three days.... Im going to get 10 more hermits and 20lbs of cured rock right now. that and a water change. Im hoping i can nip it in teh bud. But i also need high output...
  16. clamp

    Black Hair Algae

    Hi I have black hair aglae starting to take root in my 35 Hex. Any suggestions on how to eliminate it? thanks :happy: