Search results

  1. bitte

    free fish to good home in houston

    I know you posted this a long time ago, but I was wondering if you still have the clown to give away?
  2. bitte

    Are Aquapods noisy?

    Thanks for the input, everyone. I've noticed a lot of comments in posts about controlling temperature on the aquapods. Is it the more enclosed system of the aquapod that contributes to heat build-up? I have a similar issue on my 58 (in hot, humid Houston), but can control it pretty well by...
  3. bitte

    Are Aquapods noisy?

    I'm thinking of downgrading from a 58 gallon oceanic to a 24 gallon aquapod. I'm curious, once you put a protein skimmer on them, are they very noisy? I have a prizm (hang on the back) skimmer on my tank now and cannot watch TV when it is running. Has anyone had luck keeping inverts in the...
  4. bitte

    Purple Tang for sale or trade Houston

    Anybody in Houston, TX, (or nearby who would be willing to pick him up) interested?
  5. bitte

    Purple Tang for sale or trade Houston

    It was hard to capture good images at an angle (especially the first) and he may be worse from the front, but his backside had healed significantly. He originally looked like he had tail rot and now there are no signs of that. Either way, I would like to find him a good home!
  6. bitte

    Purple Tang for sale or trade Houston

    I bought my purple tang long before I discovered these message boards. He did well in my 58 gal for about 8 months, but has since developed HLLE--I think a combo of too small a tank and perhaps voltage leak before I bought a grounding probe. I have quarantined him and varied his diet...
  7. bitte

    I bet I have stray voltage

    I think I may have had a similar stray voltage in my tank that caused my purple tang to get what looked like fin rot and HLLE. I have since purchased a grounding probe and moved the tang to QT. His fins are healing and his HLLE looks to be slowly clearing up. Haven't checked with a voltage...
  8. bitte

    Purple tang

    Listen to Sepulatian. Before I frequented these boards, I bought a purple tang for my 58. He did fine for about 7 months, but has since developed HLLE. I have since moved him to QT, am feeding a variety diet and making frequent water changes. Fins have returned to normal, but he still has...
  9. bitte

    Question on Lawnmower Blennies?

    The one I purchased from this site a few months ago has never eaten anything I put in the tank (to my knowledge). He actually looks to be slowly starving, so if anyone has suggestions on other things to try, I would appreciate them because I feel quite bad for the fellow. I have tried...
  10. bitte

    Cleaner Shrimp Tolerate Copper?

    Thanks for the input. I used CopperSafe by Mardel Labs. I know--probably should have used SeaChem, but it's all I had. I think I'll monitor for now and hope it clears up.
  11. bitte

    Cleaner Shrimp Tolerate Copper?

    I purchased a regal blue tang that is in quarantine and has developed ick. I have lowered the salinity and am treating with copper, but after much reading, I think it was not a good idea to add copper, so I will slowly do water changes to titrate it away. In the meantime, I thought it would be...
  12. bitte

    Blackcap Basslet really Reef Safe?

    Not completely sure he isn't hiding--just suspicious, since the larger shrimp disappeared and I haven't seen the new one since within the first couple of hours I put him in the tank. I have seen my basslet flare his mouth open when defending his territory and it looks like he could easily...
  13. bitte

    Blackcap Basslet really Reef Safe?

    Anyone ever witnessed or suspected that their blackcap basslet was consuming cleaner shrimp? My first shrimp disappeared after a couple of months in the tank. I ordered a new one from SWF that arrived yesterday, was one of the smallest I have ever seen and now is nowhere to be found. My other...
  14. bitte

    Blackcap Basslet eating cleaner shrimp?

    Anyone ever witnessed or suspected that their blackcap basslet was consuming cleaner shrimp? My first shrimp disappeared after a couple of months in the tank. I ordered a new one from SWF that arrived yesterday, was one of the smallest I have ever seen and now is nowhere to be found. My other...