Search results

  1. nikonjohn

    One of my favorite pics... needs photoshopped

    Gotta love photoshop. Great work guys.
  2. nikonjohn

    Getting a new dog

    Snowflake or Snowball
  3. nikonjohn

    New Nikon SLR D40XD Help...

    Go to A wealth of information for any type of camera. Hope this helps
  4. nikonjohn


    You can't go wrong with either Canon or Nikon. I personally liked Nikon (have a D70s, D200 and awaiting my D300) and over the years have gotten quite a collection of lenses.
  5. nikonjohn


    Nikon Do you like simplicity of point and shoots or do you want flexibility?
  6. nikonjohn

    Who will win the Super Bowl?

    Seeing how I live in New England. Patriots will take it.
  7. nikonjohn

    Pics from my new camera

    If you run across alot of noise from high ISO. Run it through Noiseware pro. Software is great.
  8. nikonjohn

    just got a new camera

    Great pics.....hope you have alot of fun with your new camera. Canons are great. I like Nikon myself...... Happy shotting
  9. nikonjohn

    learning to take pics

    Nice pics.....what type of camera are you using?