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  1. george99

    My Polyps are disintegrating???????

    My Polyps are disintegrating, Here are some specs on my aquarium; it’s a 6 month old 55 gallon tank with about 35 Lbs of live rock and 2'’ of sand. I have 3 clown fish, 3 Damsel fish and two black spiny sea urchins and of course the polyps. My water test as of today; Nitrate10 ppm, pH 8.4...
  2. george99

    Coralife super skimmer

    TriGa22, If this is a new out of the box skimmer you will have to go through the break-in time of 72 hours or you will have problems. I have this same skimmer and it works great. To break-in adjust the gray flow knob to close about 50%. This will keep it from over filling the cup in a short...
  3. george99

    Hiding Green star Polyps???

    Cool, I was fearful that I did something wrong. George
  4. george99

    Hiding Green star Polyps???

    [hr] My Green star polyps are hiding, I add them to the aquarium on Thursday and seen them emerge once in a while but no sign of life today? My salinity was a little high (1.026) and I brought it down to 1.023 this morning. Do you think I have done them some harm? My water chemistry seems to be...
  5. george99

    Green star polyps hiding

    My Green star polyps are hiding, I add them to the aquarium on Thursday and seen them emerge once in a while but no sign of life today? My salinity was a little high (1.026) and I brought it down to 1.023 this morning. Do you think I have done them some harm? My water chemistry seems to be ok...
  6. george99

    Clown fish has gone off the deep end??

    Here, let me take it from the top. The fish looked good at the pet store and I did not see any problems until we got him the water. I had him in a clean plastic pail and slowly added some tank water. (20 mins later) Then my wife netted him carefully and we fumbled getting him in to the tank and...
  7. george99

    Clown fish has gone off the deep end??

    Bummer!! Thanks for the heads up!! George
  8. george99

    Clown fish has gone off the deep end??

    Clown fish has gone off the deep end?? One of my Clown fish is swimming around as if he or she has no buoyance or is negatively buoyant. It swims in a head up angle at about 35 degrees. Like it’s trying to tread water?? Everyone in else in the aquarium is doing well and I have tested the water...
  9. george99

    Ouch That Hurts

    Yea! I too was pouring salt from a plastic bag, and with one hand swooped down and grabed the bag, only to have it puff a salt cloud in to my face. (eyes and nose) Duh!! I don't know why I had to share that??? Regards, George
  10. george99

    Gluing Coral??

    See, I told you! Thanks for keeping me no track Scott!! :) Regards, George
  11. george99

    Gluing Coral??

    Ok, so this is most likely the dumbest question you have seen in a long time, so here goes!! When putting Corals in your aquarium do you glue them to a live rock?? I don't think you just set them on the bottom and they can just walk over to a nice spot and call it home. Or do they?? See I told...
  12. george99

    Off to a good start and a Protein Skimmer

    I did purchase the Super Skimmer, w/ needle wheel and have it assembled and it is ready to go. I just didn’t want to wash microbes or something from the water column that I need to cycle my tank. My live rock has come to life after I add some better lighting. Algae growth is well under way and...
  13. george99

    Off to a good start and a Protein Skimmer

    I've have a 55 gal, it's been running for two weeks now. The water chemistry is where it should be and is looking good. I have about 35lbs of live rock and about 2" of arougnite sand. I understand that I have about 3 to 4 more weeks for my aquarium to cycle, how ever I have also purchase a...
  14. george99

    Why, is time important?????

    No! I don’t think anyone here is being long winded at all! In fact, well said! Thank all of you for shedding some light on the subject. If any of you could suggest some good reading that could help me along this path, please do? I have ordered test strips to test my water quality, however at...
  15. george99

    Why, is time important?????

    So why, does one need to let a tank run for weeks before you add more fish and such? I understand that it's important to allow the Bacteria to grow to brake down fish waste, etc. And to allow live rock to grow, what purpose does the live rock serve? And I can dummy out what “Bio-loading” is, but...
  16. george99

    Forgot to rinse sand :(

    Thanks Everyone for your input!!! And sorry about the typos!! Sinner's G, a "Scout Fish" is the first Fish you put into a new tank to see if the coast is clear for other fish.
  17. george99

    Forgot to rinse sand :(

    I'm off to a bad start. I got this great 55 gallon tank for Christmas set it up and forgot to rinse the sand. Now my water is all cloudy and I'm wondering it I have to start over?? The good new is I have not add a scout fist as of yet so no one has died by my hand. So do I have to drain the the...