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  1. chars

    clown died, question about getting a new one

    The tank has been set up for almost 3 1/2 months now, and it has been cycled for sure. It had live sand and established live rock from a 6 month old tank. The clowns had been in qt for a month before they were added to the tank. The only inhabitants right now are three chromis, the one...
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    clown died, question about getting a new one

    We had two oscellaris clowns and one passed away yesterday. Everything had been fine. The water parameters are perfect and the other fish are fine. The clown had been acting a little less active for a day or so, but nothing else was going on to help indicate any problems. He had even still...
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    small water change in qt?

    OK, Thanks! I thought my filter would be enough to take care of the water movement, but I guess not!
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    small water change in qt?

    My ocs clowns have 10 more days in qt before they can do in the regular tank, but I didn't know if I can do a small water change - like 5%. There is a teeny amount of yuck at the bottom of the tank where they didn't eat the first couple of days, and now where the waste has been settling. I...
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    question? water bubbles.

    I'm going to help you BUMP this, because I'm having this problem too!
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    OMG!!! From 1 Sea Star to 2!!

    Well, I guess I made an incorrect identification of my sea star! I feel silly!! Oh well! Anyway, I guess this is just the start of something fun!
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    OMG!!! From 1 Sea Star to 2!!

    I'm pretty sure it's a cc, as it's tan with little brown marks that are starting to be bumps. I could be wrong, but I just googled the asterina star, and although there are a variety of pics, I couldn't find any that looked like what we have in the tank. I have a pic of ours that I'll see if I...
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    OMG!!! From 1 Sea Star to 2!!

    Our itty-bitty teeny-tiny chocolate chip sea star has split into 2!! I couldn't believe it when I saw it earlier! Now we have to come up with another name! I just hope they're both still out when my son wakes up in the morning! It's so cool! :jumping: :cheer: :joy:
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    something weird on my feather duster

    I'll see if I can get my husband to take a pic tonight. It's going to be a bit difficult, because the feather duster attached itself to the backside of the rock! We'll see what we can do!
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    something weird on my feather duster

    Can anyone help me out here? The fuzz is still around the bottom of the feather duster this afternoon.
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    something weird on my feather duster

    Hi all! Still fairly new to the world of salt! We have 2 feather duster worms that hitchhiked in on a piece of live-rock, so I know nothing about them except that they were free! One of them is growing nicely, but I noticed this morning that there is some weird fuzz around the bottom of where...
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    new here with some questions

    wax - that's so funny! I just posted that we got some pics! I just have to get hubby to show me how to put them on here! He got some video on our digital camera of one of the brittle stars out on the sand, too!
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    new here with some questions

    wax, there are 2 fancy brittle sea stars, and 1 teeny tiny chocolate chip sea star. The brittle sea stars are about the size of a quarter. They are SO cute! The cc came out on the glass the other night! We finally got some pics of him! (or her - we named it Peach - you know from Finding Nemo)
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    new here with some questions

    Thank you for risking your hand for me! I wouldn't say the other board I go to is mean, just that when certain posters offer advice, it is done in a end-all, be-all manner that is degrading and makes the postee feel like a piece of nothingness if they find advice somewhere else that they...
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    new here with some questions

    Wax and Fish, thank you for the rock info. I had not heard that. The clowns will have been in qt for a week tomorrow and everything I've read says they need to be in a month, so 3 more weeks before we find out if we have to re-do the scape! Also, it would really help to know if those worms can...
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    new here with some questions

    Littlebuck, I was answering Rev's question about wondering what Auntie Deb was. No biggie - I appreciate your advice! wax32 - problem - we already have the clowns in qt. We've had them for almost a week. Everyone else that I had talked to said they were fine to add at any point, and these...
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    new here with some questions

    Littlebuck, I am not adding any damsels or tangs. I had questions about the yellow tang as a possibility, but I am finding out that my tank is too small even at 55 gallons, so we probably won't do that. I'm going to continue researching, though, and getting people's opinions and experiences...
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    new here with some questions

    First of all, I did not purposely get the starfish already, they hitchhiked in on a piece of live rock, as you will see that I put in my first post. I had not planned on adding one until last. Anyway, we have them and they are doing fine. We are going slowly in adding fish, that is why there...
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    new here with some questions

    Hi all! I'm new to this board, but I've been lurking a bit and see that you all are so very nice and helpful and do not treat anyone like an idiot!! I'm new to saltwater and have some questions, so please don't flame me for lack of knowledge! I've been doing some research, but can't seem to...