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  1. elmcerber

    carbonate hardness-PH

    It has both, i am using the carbonate hardness test
  2. elmcerber

    carbonate hardness-PH

    it is a "Hagen" liquid test for KH/GH - Carbonate and General hardness.
  3. elmcerber

    carbonate hardness-PH

    it says in the Carbonate hardness test: 105-125mg/L = The ideal range for saltwater conditions. <105 mg/L = Needs to be raised >125 mg/L = unusually high. consult your aquarium care specialist Are you sure your formula is right?
  4. elmcerber

    carbonate hardness-PH

    I need to raise my PH a few points (measured at 7.9) and it says on my "reef builder" not to exceed 6meg/L of alkalinity. I have a carbonate hardness test (the booklet says commonly refered to as alkalinity) that measured at 135 mg/L. (Says it is unusually high) I need to know what the...
  5. elmcerber

    Rainbow Lifegard

    I've used a rainbow lifeguard fluidized bed filter for over a year now. I started the first 8 months or so with a 55 gal, now its on a 130 gal for the last 4 or so. Im running: rainbow lifeguard(rated to 300 gal) red sea prism skimmer 120+ lbs of fiji live rock 4 inches of sand and two...
  6. elmcerber

    Crab stuck

    This seems to be lodged in the rock, He has been there for four days now, sometimes it looks like he is struggling to free himself. Should I try and help him, not sure how.
  7. elmcerber

    ID please

    :confused: I didn't have any 2 months ago, is it possible for these to overpopulate my tank?
  8. elmcerber

    ID please

    manderin food???:confused:
  9. elmcerber

    ID please

    here is the LR
  10. elmcerber

    ID please

    These are all over my glass, powerhead, LR, heater, just not fish - - are these the copepods that I've been reding about? Most of the other pics look more like bugs than these. These more like tiny white worms rolled up.:confused:they don't move
  11. elmcerber

    corals, aenomes, lighting?

    im sorry, im reading these posts and I'm confused - I feel like I should know what SPS and LPS are. please elaborate for this beginner also - If I can only keep shrooms or polyps, that might be enough for me, really looking for just a more decorative backdrop for the fish I will have. looking...
  12. elmcerber

    corals, aenomes, lighting?

    they are PC, 4-24" bulbs also, could I replace 65 watt bulbs with a higher wattage bulb, or do they require a different socket?
  13. elmcerber

    corals, aenomes, lighting?

    Here are the two main tennants right now.
  14. elmcerber

    corals, aenomes, lighting?

    I've had a FO tank - 55gal for 2yrs, 5yrs ago. Then I set it back up 10 months ago. I just got a new 48" PC light for it. While I was waiting for the light to arrive, I got a deal on a 130 gal tank (66"x24"x18"). The light is now suspended from the celing above my new 130 gal:D tank. I...
  15. elmcerber


    thanks:D :D :D
  16. elmcerber

    PC Lighting Timers

    Just got a new customsealife PC hood with built in moon lights. Just wondering if there are any suggestions on the timer settings for the daylight and Ultra-Actinic lights. Nothing much in the tank yet.:D
  17. elmcerber

    130 gal weight issue

    :confused: A LFS is selling a used 130 gal tank with wood stand for $275. I want to get it but I am concerned about the weight. I want it on the first floor, not in the basement. If I have to get into supporting the floor better, I might forget it. Anyone have any input??? LFS says it will...
  18. elmcerber


    so, i'm planning on upgrading my lighting and getting into corals, how should i get rid of them, just pluck them out?
  19. elmcerber


    here is the other
  20. elmcerber


    :confused: Ok, these two anenome like thing must of came with my live rock, are they anenomes??? I do not have the proper lighting I thought you needed for anenomes. (cheap singletube flouresent) They are 1-2" What are these??