

New Member
Ok, these two anenome like thing must of came with my live rock, are they anenomes??? I do not have the proper lighting I thought you needed for anenomes. (cheap singletube flouresent)
They are 1-2"
What are these??

bang guy

Yes, it's an Anemone called Aiptasia. They are not desireable in a reef tank because of the strong sting and rapid reproductive rate.


New Member
so, i'm planning on upgrading my lighting and getting into corals, how should i get rid of them, just pluck them out?

bang guy

Do a search on aiptasia removal. They don't pluck easily. Any pieces left behind will grow into a new animal.


Staff member
Inject Aiptasia Stop into the mouth. This is a product sold in the hobby. You can check your LFS. You can also mix up some Kalk paste and injected in the mouth.


New Member
I can think of two things that it could be. First, it does resemble an aiptasia anemone. Six known species. They love reef environments. They reproduce asexually buy budding. According to the magazine Marine Fish and Reef 2004 Annual you really don't want them if that is what they are. Second, at first glance I thought of some sort of a feather duster which are not harmless at all. They are a neat addition to a tank. My parents and I both have very small ones in our tanks from the live rock.


Active Member
definately aiptasia. Nuke em. Peppermint shrimp work usually if you have quite a few. For one or two I would use the kalk injection method.


shaybroj - I also vote that it is aptaisa, but just wanted to stop by and say.
welcome to the board :)