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  1. rdursch

    need opinion about LFS

    Originally posted by Kablamo The first thing I notice when I walk in is the smell. It smells like the asian supermarket, if you have been to one, you know what I am talking about. I don't know enough to know if a smell like this is OK for a mom and pop fish store... My only question is how...
  2. rdursch

    First reef tank!

    Jon, I myself am new to SW, but everything I have learned here and on other boards and from reading, would suggest that 20g tank isn't too small. Altho, to maintain a smaller reef is a big pain. The skimmer is a matter of choice. I use one and swear by them. Less water changes and in a small...
  3. rdursch

    HELP!!! What ate my Anenomea?????

    Originally posted by grindzgreg :happyfish :) Um, ok. Then thanks for the help.
  4. rdursch

    HELP!!! What ate my Anenomea?????

    None that I have seen. I have looked in there after turning off lights w/ flashlight and haven't seen anything that shouldn't be there.
  5. rdursch

    HELP!!! What ate my Anenomea?????

    No. The carpet sits in a corner all by itself. The RBTA was on the other side of the tank. The Pink tip Haitian was somewhere in the middle.
  6. rdursch

    HELP!!! What ate my Anenomea?????

    They have all been in the same tank for almost three months. The emerald crabs are a about the size of a nikle.
  7. rdursch

    HELP!!! What ate my Anenomea?????

    Today I found pieces of my RBTA and Pink Haitian BTA in shredds all over my tank!!! I found the "foot" of the RBTA and it looks like something just took big hunks off of it. I feed every other day. I have: 2 - Clowns 2 - Blue Damsels 1 - three strip 1 - yellow and blue something that I think...
  8. rdursch

    Thinking of buying florida aqua rock

    Would I still have to cure it? If so, what about any hitch hikers? Don't you have to cure LR in fw? I know stupid questions, but I only have what came with the tank and it's not enough from everything I have read here. TIA!!
  9. rdursch

    Dumb newbie question?

    When doing a WC, do I need to use all RO/DI? Or can I just use RO? DI takes soooooo long. To top off, I use RO/DI.:help:
  10. rdursch

    Fist water test after cocktail shrimp

    Same thing happened to me. I bought an existing tank, LS, LR and fish, filter, etc. I did not have a cycle. After three days I put in the fish (I know too soon.) But my tank has been good since then. It's been up for two and a half months. Only issues I have had are diatoms and now an algea...
  11. rdursch

    Everyone post a picture of your tank here please

    [img][img]" border="0" alt="" /> I guess I did it wrong!
  12. rdursch

    Lighting help

    Just trying to figure out which one(s) I should be using.
  13. rdursch

    Lighting help

    Originally posted by TimO Sorry to sound rude, but these are questions that have been asked and answered on this and every board a thousand times. Do a search on those keywords, and/or generally surf around the net on marine aquarium topics. You could do that for years and keep learning...
  14. rdursch

    Anenome Question

    Thanks for all of the help Thomas. I have been looking at the MH lighting kits. Just lost my job so I can not afford the pre-built. I think I should be able to do it for under $150.00 given all the resources here and on the web. What I am thinking is two 250 MH's That should be ok, I think...
  15. rdursch

    Anenome Question

    30 total watt output from the lights. Magnum filter is rated 250/gph. Skimmer is rated at 90/gph. Should be 130 totaol watts.
  16. rdursch

    Anenome Question

    Originally posted by Thomas712 your anemone is looking for. Explain lighting and filteration, and water circulation in the tank, powerheads, spraybar, return pump whatever.... Thomas Lighting is compact coral life 10k and acitin. Filteration is Penguin bio wheel at 220 gph, magnum 350...
  17. rdursch

    Lighting help

    Ok, so I have been looking around here for some time now and I must say I am a little confused when it comes to lighting an SWA. What are the differnces between, 1) MH, 2) VHO, 3) acitin, and 4) coarl life. ANY help is greatly apperciated. I have a 90g tank with compact 10k coral lif and and...
  18. rdursch

    Anenome Question

    Every two days with phytoplanton, brine and flake. Not enough? Wrong stuff? I try not to depend on my lfs for any guidance, but I wasn't sure when I purchase the Anenome(s). I have a red buble tip, a very small bubble tip, a purple tip and a pretty big one that stays where he has been since...
  19. rdursch

    Anenome Question

    Why do my Anenome keep "walking" around? The tank is good, their have been no changes. One has gotten caught in the pf twice now. Don't they learn? This is just puzzling to me. TIA!:notsure: