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  1. rdursch

    cleaning live sand?

    Try a powerhead. I found adding one to my 90g helped alot.
  2. rdursch

    My 90G Tank

    More to come
  3. rdursch

    Please Please Help me

    Originally posted by nolson I have 2 perc clowns... I have 2 65 watt bulbs I just went and looked at it and its starting to get see through bubbles is this normal??? Its still in the bag from the store Mine did the same thing. It has been in my tank for two weeks now and is doing...
  4. rdursch

    Quick dumb question

    :joy: Diatoms are good!! Yea, but how do I know and what do they do? Will they hurt anything? It kinda looks bad. I did notice that when the lights are on for a while it seems to "spread". If I leave the lights off, it seems to "disappear". Is that right? Geez, I think I should get a book...
  5. rdursch

    Quick dumb question

    BUT, it was a perviously established tank. It had been up and stable for two months. Could I be overfeeding? And what is a diatoms? I suspect these are bad.:notsure: What do I need to do? Any help is GREATLY apperciated!!! p.s. will this stuff grow on the glass too? It was kind of podwery...
  6. rdursch

    Quick dumb question

    Is the rusty brown stuff on my ls algae? I'm almost certian it is. Do I need to to a water change and will any of the "cleaning crew" get rid of it? Too muck lighting? All water levwels tested perfect. Thanks. You all are great here. I have learned more than I ever thought possible.:cheer...
  7. rdursch

    Need to add Calcium

    :eek: Ok, I need to get an alkalinity test kit ASAP. Anything else I should know or test for? (Can you tell I'm new to this?!?!) :D
  8. rdursch

    Need to add Calcium

    :confused: I never knew Ca could be so difficult! Thanks for the advice. I did check the Ca and it was only 200mg. So, I added Kent Ca and the kHa? Anyway, I tested today and it was at 400. That's pretty good right? What's the difference between the PH ans Alkalinity in a sw tank. I...
  9. rdursch

    Need to add Calcium

    Can anyone tell be the bst way to add calcium to a newly established reef tank. 90g/ph 8.1/amon 0/nitrite and trate 0 TIA from a newbie.
  10. rdursch

    New to boars and SW

    That's HIM!!!! Thanx!!!!:jumping:
  11. rdursch

    New to boars and SW

    I have been reading the posts here for the last couple of days and decided to join in the "Fray"!:D I have a 90g tank that I just purchased from someone. It had three fish, a couple of LR (20lbs.) and LS(about 2"). I drained most of the water(OMG! was it heavy). I left the fish rock and sand...
  12. rdursch

    Beaslbob . . . .

    Now I am confused.