Need to add Calcium


Can anyone tell be the bst way to add calcium to a newly established reef tank. 90g/ph 8.1/amon 0/nitrite and trate 0
TIA from a newbie.


Kip, isn't that kalkwasser stuff supposed to be inexpensive and be good for Ca, pH, and alkalinity? Have you used it before? Anyone?

bang guy

Do you have Calcium and Alkalinity test kits? If you're going to add anything you really should test the levels.
Rarely should Calcium be added without Carbonate (ALK) so you really need to test both.
I agree with the Kipster to start with either the B-Ionic or the Kent 2-part additive. Once you get a handle on how to maintain Ca & ALK look into Limewater (KALK).
Magnesium is occationally a problem so a MG test kit will be useful too.


I never knew Ca could be so difficult! Thanks for the advice. I did check the Ca and it was only 200mg. So, I added Kent Ca and the kHa? Anyway, I tested today and it was at 400. That's pretty good right? What's the difference between the PH ans Alkalinity in a sw tank. I thought PH is Acidity/Alkalinity of the water as a whole. So, if the PH is 8.2 now, then everything is ok?

bang guy

Alkalinity is a way to derive the approximate Carbonate level of the water. Corals require two Carbonate ions for each Calcium to build their support structures. Alkalinity is actually a measure of how resistant the water is to a change in PH. Not a measure of PH in any capacity.


Ok, I need to get an alkalinity test kit ASAP. Anything else I should know or test for? (Can you tell I'm new to this?!?!)