Beaslbob . . . .


Well-Known Member
Bang congratuations. I had to keep moving in the air force so only has setups for up to 6 years.
If you don't believe that plant life filters out the toxins then you don't. But I do not think for an instant I am dosing my fish with slow poisons. I do feel that most newbie would welcome either of our experiences. 4-6 years would make most anyone happy.
Meanwhile keep removing your 5 gallons of macros each week and swearing by the Ro/DI, skimmers, and DSB. Sure seems to be working for you.

bang guy


Originally posted by jlem
I think that Bob is way off but that is what he believes so why even argur with him.

Bob can believe what he wants but as long as he keeps trying to convince people new to the hobby that tap water is better than RO/DI water I will continue to respond. It's work but I've seen several times where a new hobbiest has decided to go the cheap route because Beaslbob convinced them that algae will clean up the water no matter what they put into it. This is totally irresponsible in my opinion and people that don't have much experience should have the facts, not a twisted set of misinformation.
I have no intention of convincing Bob that his methods are crap. My intention is to post the other side of the story, the side Bob refuses to acknowledge. The side that show his fish & corals dying by taking the cheap & easy route.

bang guy


Originally posted by beaslbob
4-6 years would make most anyone happy.

When I moved from Offutt AFB to Davis Monthan AFB I took the opportunity to upgrade my aquarium & brought along most of my fish & corals. Same thing when I moved to Western NY but that's another story. Believe me, I understand how difficult it is to move the Animals along with the household goods. No hard feeling for those not able to do that, it's really rough and filled with stress.
I agree that 4 - 6 years would make most hobbiests happy. I'm trying to spread the word that using the right methods, the methods you are trying to discredit, can change this to 15 - 20 years :D


New Member
So the only thing a fuge is gonna do for me, is create a safe-haven for pods to populate and nothing else? I see tons of people recommend refugiums, but is that the only thing they're good for?


Active Member
Bob- just to address your reply to my post...
So basically here you are saying there have been multiple (or even two) times when your nitrates have been at 80ppm, or over 160ppm, correct? (that of course is outside of the faulty test kit scenario)
Why do you suppose that has happened? I, like Bang Guy and others, do feel that macros are beneficial and long term, will aid in the control of phosphates and nitrates, etc. Thus why I have a refugium. However, even on my worst day in reefing, my nitrates have NEVER exceeded 20 ppm in any tank, with or without macros.
Could it be that your methods are the CAUSE and not the CURE of the high nitrate issue?
And I also agree with Bang Guy 100% that you are slowly poisoning your fish by exposing them to the contaminants present in tap water.


Active Member

Originally posted by submersible
So the only thing a fuge is gonna do for me, is create a safe-haven for pods to populate and nothing else? I see tons of people recommend refugiums, but is that the only thing they're good for?

No, they are also a good tool to HELP nutrient export (nitrates, phosphates etc) when using a DSB and/or macro algae. They just do not replace the usefulness of skimmers, LR, LS, RO/DI water, water changes, etc...


Active Member

Originally posted by submersible
so bob is correct in recommending establishing "plant life"?

No one is arguing otherwise.


Active Member

Originally posted by submersible
So the only thing a fuge is gonna do for me, is create a safe-haven for pods to populate and nothing else? I see tons of people recommend refugiums, but is that the only thing they're good for?

You can grow plants in it as well...:D
Actually growing plants in a fuge is a good thing and you will find most on this board to agree...
It's just that plant life is a important part,but not a "stand alone" fix...of a compleate balanced filtration system...


Active Member
No, they are also a good tool to HELP nutrient export (nitrates, phosphates etc) when using a DSB and/or macro algae. They just do not replace the usefulness of skimmers, LR, LS, RO/DI water, water changes, etc...
This needed to be posted again for new people. Read it, learn it, live it.:joy:
Bob enjoys this foolishness... seems to me he is "attention seeking".
Hmmm, I said this in the other thread last month. Must be some truth to it.:yes: