Search results

  1. kobain06

    zoos have long strands of hair. what is this??

    My zoos have several long strands of hair-like things coming out of them from the middle. Is this normal? Is this something I should be concerned about? thanks.
  2. kobain06

    Can my hemits kill my new clam?

    I am definitely upgrading my nano to MH in the future. I know I can buy a replacement hood for my 24 gal jbj nano. It comes with 1x 150 W HQI with 14k bulb. But I seen it for 250 bucks and was jujst wondering if there is any way to upgrade without having to spend that much right now. or I woujld...
  3. kobain06

    Can my hemits kill my new clam?

    so it is a maxima clam and not a crocea? I think i'm gonna take him back today and get store credit for it then. I should have did my research before buying it.
  4. kobain06

    Can my hemits kill my new clam?

    I believe it is a Tridacna Crocea. Is it (look at picture below)? I have the standard lighting that comes with the jbj nano cube 24 gal., I believe they are pc's. However, I just found out that they need MH lighting. But I was wondering if anyone out there has had any luck under pc's. responses...
  5. kobain06

    Can my hemits kill my new clam?

    I recently got a clam and I am worried that my hermits might hujrt my clam. Can they hujrt it? I put the clam towards the top of my tank, is this right? let me know thanks. nano 24 gal.
  6. kobain06


    I'm thinking about getting a gargonian for my 24 Gal. nano. Is this something someone would recommend? I think they look cool. any must know info would be helpful. thanks
  7. kobain06

    Gargonian, should I get it?

    I'm Thinking of getting a deep sea yellow gargonian from here. Have any of you had any problems with them? Any comments about them would be helpful thanks.
  8. kobain06

    Zoos and hermit crabs

    Ok, so I just got a nice rock with multiple orange and lime zoos on it. However, I am concerned... I also have 5 small hermit crabs in my tank and they have a tendency to climb on the zoos forcing them to close. Can the hermit crabs harm the zoos? [/FONT]
  9. kobain06

    sand on my mushrooms! need help!

    that sounds like a good idea, Thanks!
  10. kobain06

    sand on my mushrooms! need help!

    I gravel siphoned my sand for the first time and there is sand all over my tank. my mushroom coral has sand all over it as well, should this be a major concern, or will it go away on its own? Please help.
  11. kobain06

    surface skimmer attachment question

    Quick question to all JBJ nano, aquapod, biocube owners, how essential is the surface skimmer to the nano aquariums? In other words, do you have to have it on? If no, what damage will it do, if any? thanks
  12. kobain06

    LR turning white?

    Turning white from brown due to my diatom bloom. also I'm starting to see purple. I hope this is regular?
  13. kobain06

    LR turning white?

    My live rock is turning white. Is this good? What does this mean? background: 24 G nano, 30 lbs LR, 3rd week of cycle PH 8.4 ppm Amm 0 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm Nitrate 20 ppm any answers would be helpful, Thanks
  14. kobain06

    cleaning filters?

    I have a 24 gal JBJ Nano I just set up 2 weeks ago and currently in the cycling process. Just wondering how often I should clean the filter and how? Can I rinse them off with tap water? My water is looking pretty cloudy (white) probably because I recently had a diatom outbreak and now have a...
  15. kobain06

    Help! What are these white specs?

    yes, Fiji was cured, it was in there for 5 days. Then I got tonga uncured, there for a week. I got uncured because i'm cycling my tank anyway right?
  16. kobain06

    Help! What are these white specs?

    I have a 24 gal JBJ nano that has been cycling for two weeks now and I am seeing white specs crawl on the glass and floating in the aquarium. This happend three days after my diatom bloom. What are these specs crawling around? Should I introduce a clean up crew right now? My readings are... Ph...
  17. kobain06

    Q about brown spots in LS

    My 24 gal Nano is 5 days in the cycling process. I put uncured LR in it yesterday and I recently found numerous brown/yellowish spots in my sand. Is this normal? If so, what does it mean? help is needed. Thanks
  18. kobain06

    Q's about cured/uncured rock. Need help!

    Thank you , I appreciate it.
  19. kobain06

    Q's about cured/uncured rock. Need help!

    I just purchased 5 Lbs of tonga rock at my local pet store. When I went there, all the good pieces were gone. So the owner of the store opend up their new shipment of very elegant UNCURED tongas. The owner washed them off in a buckett with a brush. The tongas he just cleaned didn't look like the...