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  1. howf777

    JBJ Nano cube

    Thanks for all the info everyone, I finally got to putting my heater in the last slot in the back with the air pump, it works WONDERFUL, not i dont have to worry about algae growing on the glass under the heater and the tank looks a lot cleaner. I been on the JBJ website and downloaded the...
  2. howf777

    can someone help me please?

    My mushroom has been looking like that for the past month now. It used to open big and wide about2.5" in diamter. now it just stays shriveled up. When I first noticed it, my salinity was on the higher side. 1.028 But thats been fixed ever since, and it still stays all small and shriveled. Not...
  3. howf777

    JBJ Nano cube

    thanks for the replies over the weekend i semi converted the tank. I took out the bio balls and porcelein rings. So my first slot i left the sponges in there, second slot i have live rock rubble, 3rd slot half live rock with my carbon/coal. I will change to chemi pure in a month after i use up...
  4. howf777

    JBJ Nano cube

    If anyone can clarify for me I have a JBJ Nano Cube, stocked The reason this topic came up, I was asking for some advice on setting up a 3-4gal sump to control my nitrates I went to my LFS and the worker recommended that I take out the bioballs and porcelin rings in my tank, saying those are...
  5. howf777

    Help with shrimp identification!

    cholland i know of a good site for info about mantis shrimp. im not sure if im allowed to post links of other sites, even if they are just info sites. send me ur email and ill fwd u the link
  6. howf777

    Small Opaque Critter on Glass

    looks like ur tank is doing well sounds like an amphipod of some sort, the more the merrier its clear and kinda looks like a slug yeah?
  7. howf777


    i have a frogspawn, hammer head, and a mushroom, do you think i need to hand feed them. They seem to be doing fine. I had the mushrrom for about 2 months and the other 2 for about 3 weeks now
  8. howf777


    I been reading a lot of postings lately and saw many regarding the feeding of corals. On it says the diet of corals are flow of water and lighting. On most of the postings I see people mentioning hand feeding meaty foods. Is this necessary? what type of meaty foods? also how do corals...
  9. howf777


    Thanks overanylzer I have the 12 gal nano cube by jbl. Not sure wha type of filter it is. I know there are 2 big black sponges, 1 bag of coal, 1 bag of porcelein rings, and about 5 bio balls I have about a 2 inch sand bed, 8 lbs of live rock, 5 nassarius snails, 1 turbo snail, 2 blue leg...
  10. howf777


    Hi all I had my 12 gal nano for about 3 months now. The first month the water quality was great. The past 2 months the nitrates have gone out the roof (30+ ppm). I change about 1.5 gallons of water every week and even started doing half gal changes mid week. I recently purchaes novaquel (i think...
  11. howf777

    nassarius snails

    Hi I'm a newbie to this whole reef tank. I have a 12 gallon nano with LS and LR. I bought some nassarius snails the other day. A few days later my snail was on the glass and when it moved, there was a bunch of white dots stuck on the glass. The area covers about a quarter in size with prob about...