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  1. cori

    curing live rock?

    I have never cured rock before, and I was wondering...does it smell? LOL I know that sounds like a idiotic question, but I was thinking about getting a garbage can (with lid) and putting it in one of my spare rooms, until it's cured. I may have to change my plans.
  2. cori

    New 210 tank, need help w/setup?

    I'm far from any expert, but the one thing I have read over and over is that sand is MUCH better than CC. The sand is a better filter than CC, as waste etc can get trapped in the CC. (throwing your numbers off) I would go with the sand only...but I'm sure someone with more experience can come...
  3. cori

    Recommendations for RO/DI

    Bump...'cuz I really need some recommendations! :help:
  4. cori

    Recommendations for RO/DI

    Could someone please recommend a good RO/DI system? I need to purchase one before I get my tank. (our city water is bad). I'm hoping to get one of the 4 stage filtration systems. Also, I was thinking... I have a laundry hook up downstairs, but I don't have a washing machine down there. Would...
  5. cori

    Wow..I feel smart!

    As I have stated before, I'm going to be setting up my first saltwater aquarium. I have had freshwater for years. I'll admit all the new things to learn is a bit intimidating, to say the least! Our local pet store had recently set up their first saltwater about a month ago. I went in there...
  6. cori

    Anyone seen this 75 gallon setup?

    I am about to purchase my very first saltwater aquarium!!! :jumping: I can't wait!! The store I'm buying it from is 80 miles away (I live in a tiny little town). I had wrote down all the specs on the tank, but apparently, I forgot it at the store. I'm going from memory here, but here are the...
  7. cori

    Sand question

    I have been looking at the choices of sand available..and I was wondering, what is better, fine sand or coarser types of sand? Also...I have seen some pink and also some black varieties available..are there any pros or cons to using one or the other? Sorry for all the
  8. cori

    Couple questions.

    I'm an absolute beginner, and at this stage, I am trying to learn everything I can, before I make the leap to buying my aquarium. My copy of The Concientious Aquarist is en route to me, but I'm here are a couple questions I have.. 1. I am planning to do live sand. Does that eliminate...
  9. cori

    New saltwater tank?

    I have had freshwater fish tanks for a few years, and I have always wanted a saltwater set up, but I live in a small the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin, and the one pet store we have, has informed me repeatedly that saltwater aquariums are insanely time consuming and difficult to...