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  1. dandallasfan

    Stock list for 37g

    I believe that your list is a bit much. What kind of filtration will you have on this tank? You have more fish planned for your 37 than I have in my 120... Stick with the clowns (they are always good) and a few chromis if thats what you like. The shrimp and snails will be fine. Is there one fish...
  2. dandallasfan

    Stocking Thoughts???

    All I hear about are how the damsels are just mean fish. I can tell you that my damsels stick to themselves. They have their cave under a small live rock and come out to feed and swim around. During times of breeding they get aggressive but not overly aggressive. They remind me of my Africans...
  3. dandallasfan

    Stocking Thoughts???

  4. dandallasfan

    Stocking Thoughts???

    Okay here are my current residents: 2 True Perc. Clowns, 2 Breeding Blue Damels, 1 Foxface, 1 Yellow Tang and 1 Sailfin Blenny (which happens to be my favorite fish). I am looking to add another fish in the next 2-4 weeks and was wondering what would make a good tankmate for these guys? I have a...