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  1. dandallasfan

    Top of Tank Coral

    I have the Coralife Aqualight Pro Series with 14,000K HQI, Actinic 03 Blue compact fluorescents and 470 nm lunar LED lamps.
  2. dandallasfan

    Top of Tank Coral

    Just wondering if you guys have any idea on a coral that would look good towards the top portion of my tank. I have a flat piece of live rock that looks to bare at the present time. My tank is filled with both soft and hard corals so any would work. Just looking for ideas. Thanks
  3. dandallasfan

    sand cleaner

    I have a diamond goby and my sand is always clean...
  4. dandallasfan

    What was the longest you've gone without doing a water change?

    I change 15 gallons a week in my 125. I went 2 weeks without a water change and I then did a 30 gallon water change. It would depend on the size and what you keep. Imagine a 90 gallon tank with only 2 or 3 small fish. I would say the need for a large % change would be less.
  5. dandallasfan

    how many tangs in a 125?

    I have a Powder Blue, a yellow and a Kole in a 125 and they are fine, but I wouldn't add another one...
  6. dandallasfan

    30 Gallon Ideas

    Okay so I have a 30 gallon tank with a nice cabinet that I am thinking about setting up. I currently have a 125 gallon reef tank and was looking to set up a nano tank. My mind is blank on different smaller fish to keep. I want something different than the fish I have in my 125. I could use some...
  7. dandallasfan

    Tang Compatibility

    I have three which has worked out perfectly. A yellow (the largest), powder blue and a Kole (smallest). I have had no issues and introduced the powder blue last.
  8. dandallasfan

    Coralife Aquatic Pro Series Light blew out!

    Thanks for the quick
  9. dandallasfan

    Coralife Aquatic Pro Series Light blew out!

    Okay so last night one of my Metal Halide lights blew out and today my other one did as well. I place an order with my LFS and it wont be in for a week. I have (2) Compact Fluorescent Lamps and (4) Luner LED lights that are working fine. I saw on a recent thread that corals should be okay for a...
  10. dandallasfan

    Algae eaters

    I have Kole Tang that does a good job cleaning the glass. My other tangs (yellow and powder blue keep the rocks clean) I agree with everyone else snails are great cleaners. If you have enough, how big is your tank?
  11. dandallasfan

    Copperbanded Butterfly?

    I have had a copperband for about a month and he is doing great. Eating whether aptasia, algea and brine shrimp. He hasn't touched flake food. I have similar corals and he hasn't touched them. I would reccomend getting at least a 3-4 inch fish, no smaller... Good Look they are great!
  12. dandallasfan

    Im moving in a week and 1/2 what is the best way....

    I recently moved and had the same concerns. I purchased 8 5 gallon buckets from Home Depot and filled them 3/4 with water and placed a fish in each of the buckets (placed small fish in a bucket together, damels & clowns) and did the same with the inverts. I then bought a 2 - 37 gallon containers...
  13. dandallasfan

    help me pick my next fish

    I have almost the same stock list in my 125. A foxface works great after a few weeks, they are a bit skiddish. A Kole tang has thrived in my reef setup and gets along with the yellow tang, again after a few weeks of hiding. Are you looking for active swimmers? I guess it depends on what you want...
  14. dandallasfan

    Aptasia Eaters

    The copperband is what I am told is the best at eating these pests. I don't want them to snack on my inverts...
  15. dandallasfan

    Keeping 2 Anemones

    Okay so I have a Condy Anemome and was looking to buy maybe a Rose Amemone. I have a 125 gallon tank with tons of space. The Condy has its location as hasn't moved (must have liked the spot I picked for him). I hear stories of chemical warfare...Can this be done? Should it work out?
  16. dandallasfan

    Aptasia Eaters

    I mostly have leather corals and a few soft corals. I plan on increasing my pepermint collection. What I was hoping for a fish that would eat these things. Copperbands have done wonders with Aptasia in my friends tank (fish only) but my fear is with the corals. Has anyone had a butterfly that...
  17. dandallasfan

    Aptasia Eaters

    Okay so my garden of Aptasia doesn't want to go away. I have 3 peppermints in my 125 and they don't seem to help with this on going problem. Is there a fish that will eat these? I hear butterflies are great but will eat my corals so that doesn;t work. I see that alot of people have this problem...
  18. dandallasfan

    fish for 55gal

    Get a Kole Tang! They look great and swim around the reef.
  19. dandallasfan

    taller or longer????????????

    I believe that it depends what kind of setup you would like to have and what kind of fish you plan on keeping...
  20. dandallasfan

    Stock list for 37g

    I have a sailfin blennie and no one bothers him. I find that the blennie is a great fish that should be a staple in peaceful tanks. My clowns have been together for about 6 months and they get along fine, now one of them is double in size from the other. As far as the angel I think the flame...