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  1. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    is that sg too high? is the temp too high? i have read that the temp could be lower for a bta but am not sure? any recommendations?
  2. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    ok thanks, im on my way to the lfs to get some ph booster, i am measuring my salinity for specific gravity with a hydrometer, and i havent feed the anemone in a week or so, im not sure if this is a bad thing or not, i just dont want him to get too comfortable there, but if thats the way its...
  3. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    also, i forgot to add that the gbta is inflated most of the time, looking rather healthy, but sometimes he shrivels up to almost nothing, after much reading it looks like this is somewhat normal, but can anybody confirm this to be true?
  4. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    first of all thanks to everybody for the early responces, to address the moving of the liverock, i have already done that twice and the anemone has simply moved to another location near the back of the tank, i feel as though he is really loving it back there for some reason because he is not...
  5. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    alright, so i have i gbta in my 29 gallon tank with 2 clowns. the female has been somewhat hosting in the anemone already, but the problem im having is that the gbta has his foothold in they very back of the tank attatched upside down on some live rock (growing his tentacles towards the sand)...