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  1. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    and yes it is a newer tank, do u think that this would b one of the main problems and as the tank becomes more established it may recover and look better?
  2. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    i am running a coral life Lunar Aqualight Compact Fluorescent Fixture, 2X65 Watt, 30 inch-would this be the problem? sufficient lighting?
  3. kylecorson

    Good Enough Lighting? Experts Advise Please?

    also i have been told to reduce my lighting down to 6-8 hours as opposed to 10-12 hours, do u think this is a good idea? i have been expiriencing brown algea problems?
  4. kylecorson

    Good Enough Lighting? Experts Advise Please?

    i bought it from a websit on line, will they give me a 100% refund do u think?
  5. kylecorson

    Good Enough Lighting? Experts Advise Please?

    30" x 12" x 18" 29 gallons these are the dimensions email: im sad because i just purchased this light and spent 200 on it, i am a college student and don't have all the money in the world
  6. kylecorson

    Good Enough Lighting? Experts Advise Please?

    it is a somewhat newly established tank, it has been running with live rock and sand for roughy 2-3 months, but has only had the gbta in there for roughly 3 weeks, and the clowns even less time
  7. kylecorson

    Good Enough Lighting? Experts Advise Please?

    see thats a huge problem then because i have a 29 gallon tank, there aren't many lights then that could go well with that, ive been told that mh's will fry anything in there at that size tank and t5 doesn't make anything for 29 gallons
  8. kylecorson

    Good Enough Lighting? Experts Advise Please?

    i've already purchased the light i described earlier, i didn't know which one to go with, will this light be sufficient for a gbta?
  9. kylecorson

    Good Enough Lighting? Experts Advise Please?

    just wondering what anybody's ideas were on running this light for most anemones and 60% of corals? good enough? i have a 29 gallon tank and was told by many sources that this should b ok but i wanted to see what everybody else thought, thanks for the replies! livestock includes: 2 perc clowns i...
  10. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    hey just wondering what the experts around here might think of this anemone? healthy? happy? sad? sick? pissed? anything and everything along with possibilities on what to do in any given circumstance, thank u so much for all the responses, everybody has been very helpfull!
  11. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    would anybody be able to upload a pic of their heathy gbta? just so i can see if it looks similar? i believe all the parameters are correct and healthy now and i dont want this lil bugger to die on me :(
  12. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    alright, i checked my sg, and yes, it is correct at 1.024-1.025 and was told that this was perfect for a gbta. also, i am in the process of raising my ph with a ph buffer i am adding to my tank. feeding him 3 times a week? where would i purchase those sorts of foods described earlier? would it...
  13. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    how can i get this little sob to move to the front of the tank? water flow doesn't influence him
  14. kylecorson

    Does Consistant Lighting Hours Make A Huge Differense?

    I am have a 29 gallon reef with only green bubble tip anemone and 2 clowns and a small cleanup crew. does it make a huge difference if i have the lighting exactly for 12 hours every day? i usually try to make it close but sometimes the lights are on for 12 hours a day, sometimes their on for 10...
  15. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    does this anemone look healthy? it hasn't moved from this location in a long time and i cannot get him to move with circulation or anything, ph is still a bit low but i am working on raising it, is there anything else that could be influencing this behavior? other than the fact that he has only...
  16. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    hopefully it works this time, sorry, i don't exactly know how to upload the pics yet
  17. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    this is a pic of my anemone, he is in the lower left hand corner of the tank with little circulation of water, is this ok?!?!
  18. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    [QUOTE= Odd creatures to say the least... there is no rhyme or reason to their methods if all tank parameters are correct for them. Will an anemone plant itself where it can grow and receive the light? Because my gbta is planted in an area where he receives little flow or light and will not be...
  19. kylecorson

    GBTA help

    can anybody think of anything else i could do to sway a gbta towards the front of a tank besides current and rearranging the live rock?