GBTA help


would anybody be able to upload a pic of their heathy gbta? just so i can see if it looks similar? i believe all the parameters are correct and healthy now and i dont want this lil bugger to die on me :(


hey just wondering what the experts around here might think of this anemone? healthy? happy? sad? sick? pissed? anything and everything along with possibilities on what to do in any given circumstance, thank u so much for all the responses, everybody has been very helpfull!



What am I missing, I read through 2X and could not find any information on your lighting. Here is a photo of one of mine. Every bta is different, they come in many different shades of green many mixed w/brown and red. Yours is very white, unhealthy. If you can't get this turned around you may loose it. Follow PerfecrDark's advice, It would be a shame but sometimes they just slowly decline, corrective measures and feeding may help this little guy. I just noticed your rocks look too clean, if your tank newer? If it is, then it is new tank syndrom.
The anemone in the photo is on a newer piece of rock but tank had been up and running for 2 years.


Active Member
You can pretty much bank on everything I have told you. Stressed? most likely. Bleached? Yes. Pissed? I would say if it were possible... sure. The last pic is of a very healthy GBTA, yours should look similar


i am running a coral life Lunar Aqualight Compact Fluorescent Fixture, 2X65 Watt, 30 inch-would this be the problem? sufficient lighting?


and yes it is a newer tank, do u think that this would b one of the main problems and as the tank becomes more established it may recover and look better?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kylecorson
i am running a coral life Lunar Aqualight Compact Fluorescent Fixture, 2X65 Watt, 30 inch-would this be the problem? You have Insufficient lighting?
Yes read post 18
Originally Posted by kylecorson

and yes it is a newer tank, do u think that this would b one of the main problems and as the tank becomes more established it may recover and look better?
Its possible but I wouldnt say 100% for sure. Tank instability is one of the major reasons why its recommended against having an anemone in a new tank.


ok the lighting is insufficient for the anemone, this really sucks because i spent a lot of money on it being told that it would be fine, anyways, is this going to be true for corals as well? or just anemones, also, i have a glass top covering the top of the tank to prevent a lot of evaporation, would this affect the lighting to my anemone?


If it is clear glass and you keep it clean, should not effect the light entering the tank. With coral it depends on the type, most softies will do fine, some of the more delicate hard corals will be more effected by the lack of light in your system.


You have learned a valuable lesson, never trust 100% what your are told by LFS, they want to make the sale. That said, I have found a few to be very responsible and make an effort to ask questions, give advice that can be trusted.


so is it all anemone's? or just green bubble tip anemone's that will not do well with my lighting system? because i guess im fine with another anemone, its kind of a bummer, but i have debt up to my ears, buying another light at this point is really out of the question ...


Originally Posted by Lmecher
You have learned a valuable lesson, never trust 100% what your are told by LFS, they want to make the sale. That said, I have found a few to be very responsible and make an effort to ask questions, give advice that can be trusted.
its a realy bummer here to because i really trusted the guy who told me this would do fine, he told me originally to go t5, but they didn't make one for a 29 gallon tank, (30 inches) so i guess this was the next best thing


Sorry you were misled by that LFS. The bta is the least light demanding of all the host anemones. I'd recomend that you forgo the anemone until you can afford to upgrade your lighting. On the bright side, yes there is one, there are many corals and beautiful fish that will due just fine under your current lights.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kylecorson
its a realy bummer here to because i really trusted the guy who told me this would do fine, he told me originally to go t5, but they didn't make one for a 29 gallon tank, (30 inches) so i guess this was the next best thing

Yes they do, Nova Sundials 30" set with 4-24" bulbs 96 total watts of HO-T5 lighting. This is far superior to what you have. IMO though t5's rarely penetrate past 24" in depth unless they are of superior quality like teks or aquatinics, or over driven with ice cap ballasts. With the Nova's the majority of your tank is fine for higher light demanding organisms, some sps may still be out though. The bottom 4 to 6" should be reserved for less light demanding animals. You can find a MH fixture @ 30" too in either 150 or 250 watts for your tank. Prob cost as much as the nova set would and then the sky's the limit. I use a 150 watt on my 29 gal cube and its awesome. No chiller open top tank I can keep what ever I want. Just a suggestion...


hey just wondering about ur last post regarding lighting, does it have to say HO in the title of the lighting-because i noticed that is what u last recommended-and i also found some t5's for considerably less money but it doesn't say "ho" in the title!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kylecorson
hey just wondering about ur last post regarding lighting, does it have to say HO in the title of the lighting-because i noticed that is what u last recommended-and i also found some t5's for considerably less money but it doesn't say "ho" in the title!
If they dont say HO then they are not... and thats prob why they are less money. Yes you need HO-T5's
T5 lights have 2 factors that make them superior over std flourescents and PC... one is they make them HO which offers more lumens per watt, the second is they make them small enough in diameter to individually reflect them for optimal light efficiency. Without those 2 factors T5 lighting is no more effective than a std flourescent and even less effective than a PC. HTH.


ok thank u, i am in the process of selling my pc lighting under craigs list, i bought it for $165 and am now selling it for $100-because I'm not gonna keep it and hope everything works out, i am strongly considering the Current USA SunPod Metal Halide Fixture, 150 Watt HQI, 30 inch-i believe this is what u recommended previously, and as u correctly said, it is roughly the same as those t5 ho lighting systems-what do u say, good decision to sell my pc and buy this light?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kylecorson
ok thank u, i am in the process of selling my pc lighting under craigs list, i bought it for $165 and am now selling it for $100-because I'm not gonna keep it and hope everything works out, i am strongly considering the Current USA SunPod Metal Halide Fixture, 150 Watt HQI, 30 inch-i believe this is what u recommended previously, and as u correctly said, it is roughly the same as those t5 ho lighting systems-what do u say, good decision to sell my pc and buy this light?
Yes absolutely...


alright excellent, thank u for all ur help,
im gonna get the ball rolling on this light switcherooney then, is there an accimation period for a new light, i mean, its obviously going to be much more powerful then the previous, so is there a way to bring on the power slowly? also, i noticed before that u do not have a chiller for ur open tank, i do not have an ro converter unit so i usually like to keep a glass cover over the top of the tank-is this going to require a chiller for the new mh light? what about for ho t5?