GBTA help


Active Member
Running an open top you probably will not need a chiller. Maybe just a small clip-on fan to blow across the top of the tank, if temperature becomes an issue. I keep my reef between 80-81 anyway.
As for the acclimation, start out running the halides for 4 hours a day, progressively (each week) increase that time by 1 hour until you get to 8 hours. I think 8 hours a day is plenty to run a metal halide. HTH


Active Member
Current USA SunPod Metal Halide Fixture, 150 Watt HQI, 30 inch
Good system! This is the system I am running on my 24G JBJ. Very good lighting... only down side is there isn't any supplemental lighting!


also, before i go and spend my hard earned money (i don't have much, full time college student and obsesive marine aquariust

i don't really care if i cannot do all anemone's with the light i have-but would i be able to do a lot of corals? i am not planning on breaking the bank on this tank. this is my first sw tank i just want to get all the basics and everything figured out before i upgrade to bigger and better

would i still be able to do a good amount of corals with the current lighting i have-some people say yes, some say no, any suggestions?
thanks people!


Active Member
With that light and that tank combo there isnt anything you wont be able to have as far as lighting requirements are concerned.


ok thanks perfectdark, thats awesome to know, i definatly want to go with some mh some day, but i definatly want to feel like a much more experienced aquarist and go with a much bigger tank someday and use my current tank as a qt, i think i'm gonna go with what i have then and keep on learning, thanks to all who have helped, i love this site and forum!


Active Member
To clarify, PD wasn't talking about your current pc lights. He was referring to the metal halides you said you were buying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
To clarify, PD wasn't talking about your current pc lights. He was referring to the metal halides you said you were buying.
Correct... sorry if there was a misunderstanding... Your current tank and the MH lights you described getting was what I was refering too. IMO Take the PC lights you have and hang them over a work bench... LOL jkjk
they would actually be fine on a tank like a 20Gal long as a frag tank for stuff like zoas, and some LPS. Just a thought..


first of all, ide like to say that i have become a much more knowledgable aquarists during the process of veiwing this forum's site, secondly, i'de like to thank all those who have given me their opinions and ways to improve a tank, and for the sake of knowledge and understanding, i would like to pose this quesiton, although i know that a mh or t5 light would be better for my tank, having already purchased the pc lighting, i would like anybody, especially pd (not to attack u, but because i feel like u have a lot of respect in dealing with anemone's) to explain to me how some light, is not light? what i mean is, an anemone is going to require a certain amount of lighting to survive and flourish, and although i now know that mh or t5 would be more sufficient for an anemone because they provide a higher lighting intensity in regards to the cone shape spreading of the actual light as opposed to the straight flouresent light of a pc, but, with the current pc that i have pushing 130 watts for a 29 gallon tank (4.48) watts per gallon, that LIGHT IS LIGHT, and with a depth of a 29 gallon tank, this light will be sufficient. my anemone is doing fine right now, mouth closed and showing improvments on color, (i bought him somewhat bleached, i didn't know much about anemone's until being introduced into this forum, again, thanks to all) but i feel like everybody has been way to biased in this whole lighting issue, comments, suggestions, reviews...?

ps, i would also like someone (again preferrebly pd to answer since he is so respected in the anemone world
to answer) what is an objective view point of why spot feeding is bad, is it bad only because it may be saying that the lighting is not as highly intense as it could b, or is it bad because of an actuall objective point of view, if the nutrition is giving the anemone everything that the light may not be supporting, and the anemone is doing great, what is the problem? thanks to all who have read my novel and i am looking forward to hearing responces!


Active Member
Is it just me or does that not even look like a BTA to anyone else???? The tentacles just dont match up for me with a BTA. Bubbled or not.