Search results

  1. warrior94

    Wanted to trade

    I have 3 fish I am looking to trade i have a 2 inch Valrntini Puffer I also have a 4 inch starry trigger and last a 4 inch what I think is a lunare wrasse. I would like to trade for a pair of mated clowns. Or maybe some corals or star fish all trades considered. I will not ship sorry. I like in...
  2. warrior94

    Looking to trade

    I have 3 fish I am looking to trade i have a 2 inch Valrntini Puffer I also have a 4 inch starry trigger and last a 4 inch what I think is a lunare wrasse. I would like to trade for a pair of mated clowns. Or maybe some corals or star fish all trades considered. I will not ship sorry. I like in...
  3. warrior94

    water change ??

    How old is your tank? If its under a month old you shouldnt do a water change. Also you never do a water change and clean the filter in the same day or even in the same week. Also make sure theres no salt left in your buckets when u fill
  4. warrior94

    Intrested in starting a sump

    I always use hang on the back filters. I want to build a sump tank i just want to no how you go about doing it or what do you need to have in the sump for filtration. Also if you have any pictures of your sump that i could get idea off of that would be great. Also what size tank do you usually...
  5. warrior94

    Percula Clownfish - mated pair in PA

    Please email me at im intrested
  6. warrior94

    Free Fish

    Where do u live
  7. warrior94

    Aggressive Livestock 4s in eastern PA

    please email me at i would like to see pictures of the huma huma and the hawk thanks
  8. warrior94

    Why can't I raise my PH?

    it could be your phosphates
  9. warrior94

    Ltb 48' Pc Lights In Nj

    engineer how much do you want for your light?