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  1. dzacher

    Lighting and water flow

    Thanks I was proabably looking at the PCs because they are a lot cheaper. I want to do this right so I will just wait a little longer to save the extra money to buy a good T-5 fixture this way 6 months down the road, I don't have to get rid of the PC and buy the T-5. In the flow calculation, do...
  2. dzacher

    Lighting and water flow

    Thanks guys, I was thinking of going with some power compacts but it looks like they don't pump out enough lumens. I appreciate the help.
  3. dzacher

    Lighting and water flow

    Hey folks, I could use a little advice here I have had my tank running for a while but haven't had the time to get too many additions. I want to finally begin the reef part or the reef tank I have always wanted. Everything I have read says that for a succesful reef, adequate lighting and water...
  4. dzacher

    what is your stock list

    I've got a 75 gal 100# LS 30# LR with another 50# in route FISH: 1 Yellow Tang 2 Blue Damsels INVERTS: Started with 5 blue hermits but at last count, I had 8 bunch of snails COMING SOON: 2 Percula Clowns carpet anenome a few emerald craps After I upgrade my lights, I want to start putting in...
  5. dzacher

    Let's play help the newbe.

    Ok, here is my situation. I started my tank about 1 1/2 years ago. It is 75 gallons. I started off with about 20 lbs of LR and about a 3" layer of LS. I have 2 Blue Damsels, 1 Yellow Tang, a couple of hermits and a bunch of turbo snails. It took about 6 months to get to that point and then...
  6. dzacher

    Acclimation and Temperature

    explain.....see newbe.
  7. dzacher

    best reef angel?

    speaking of Flame Angels, what would cause mine to commit suicide by jumping out of my tank. My feeling is that at the time I had him, I didn't have enough rock in the tank for adequate hiding spots for everybody. thoughts?
  8. dzacher

    Acclimation and Temperature

    I just bought a couple Emerald crabs to help out with keeping my tank clean. I put the bag from the pet store in my tank like I've done with all my fish. I noticed that within 5 minutes they were no longer moving around and when I took them out, I realized they were dead. Since they never...