Search results

  1. mbell

    Bubble Tip Anemone

    It is in Sandy approx. 8600 South Highland Drive (2000 East) so not to far from The Aquarium just more east. It is in a strip mall next to a Reams and some dance studio. You should check it out they dont really have many Corals but they do have a decent selection of SWF and live rock, their...
  2. mbell

    Bubble Tip Anemone

    Ya those seem to be the two best, I got my BTA from aquarium. Another one that has the best price on LR (that I have found) is Incredible Pets they let me select my LR from the display tanks so it was all fully cured and matured. Good deal $1.00 less per pound than Bworld and Aquarium.
  3. mbell

    Bubble Tip Anemone

    Yup, no kegs in SLC unless you make the trip to Evanston, What Fish shop do you go to? Where have you been able to find the best selection?
  4. mbell

    Bubble Tip Anemone

    ReefNut, where you at in WY.
  5. mbell

    Bubble Tip Anemone

    ya I too think it would be smart to wait, just to be sure the BTA heal
  6. mbell

    Is this a good deal for $800.00

    Thanks for the help, it appears to be a great buy i think ill do it.
  7. mbell

    Is this a good deal for $800.00

    Joe: Do you know anything about the Euro Reef Skimmer?
  8. mbell

    Gray Smooth Hound & Leopard Sharks

    What is the min. Tank size?
  9. mbell

    Is this a good deal for $800.00

    I am looking at buying the complete setup below from a local seller. I am looking for a little advice in my purchase. Is it worth $800.00 "Selling a 90 Gal. AGA reef ready complete saltwater setup it is only 3 months old has everything: euro-reef skimmer and sump little giant return pump ICECape...
  10. mbell

    Doctor shrimp

    I am not sure how far willard is from Bountiful or Salt Lake but if you get the chance and are looking for good SW fish you should check out Bird World Pet Village in Bountiful they have a good selection of SW fish and so does the Aquarium on 90th and 7th east in Salt Lake or Incredible Pets on...
  11. mbell

    Anyone Know What this is on my Live Rock

    so when i start adding corals should they just be placed around the rock or just how to place? Also would a lettuce nudibranch be compatible or a good addition for my current setup?
  12. mbell

    Anyone Know What this is on my Live Rock

  13. mbell

    Anyone Know What this is on my Live Rock

    Close Up
  14. mbell

    Anyone Know What this is on my Live Rock

    This is a 12 pound piece of Tongan Live Rock, over the last couple of weeks these white spots/curls have been spreading more and more. I am new to this so i dont know if this is a good or bad thing. Any ideas or help would be very appreciated. They seem to be moving from the bottom towards the...
  15. mbell

    Yellow Tail Damsel Fading

    I have a Yellow Tail Damsel that is losing it's color from the fin on his back and it is spreading to his body. At first i thought he had just been in a tiff with some other fish becuase it looked similar to a bite out if its fin. But it has been spreading and looking almost like his scales are...
  16. mbell

    Feather Duster

    If a feather duster has been pulled out of its tube will it survive?
  17. mbell

    Condylactis Anemone Vs. Feather Duster

    I have a Condylactis Anemone that seems to be moving onto my feather duster. The question is, is my Anemone going to start eating the Feather Duster. Right now they look fine together the feather duster is out and the anemone seems to be right next to it almost on top of it but the anemone has...
  18. mbell

    Peppermint Shrimp

    Is it normal for my peppermint shrimp to eat my condylactis anemone?
  19. mbell

    Yellow Box Fish

    second photo
  20. mbell

    Yellow Box Fish

    Below are some pics of my Box Fish (Meathead) with his problems!