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  1. zero

    new 100g plexi

    I am no where close to being an expert by any regards, so my next comment is completely my opinion. But banded shark are very unactive sharks, and really just sit on the bottom all day. They get about 3 feet long, but it takes about 7-10 years for them to reach this length. So 1 banded shark in...
  2. zero

    What would go with this?

    I bought the shark from Barrier Reef in Boca Raton, FL. I talked to the owner, and he told me that in a 125 gallon, the shark will be able to live in there for about 3 years. He said when the shark gets too big to call him and his people will come get it for free. They are setting up a new...
  3. zero

    What would go with this?

    Hey Dirty: The tank is 125 gallon. It is WAYYY over filtrated. 250 gallon Wet/Dry, 2 Emperor 400 dual-biowheels (hang of the back filters),and a fluval 404. I have a protein skimmer for a 200 gallon tank as well... I want to get some fish that will help keep the water clear and the tank clean...
  4. zero

    What would go with this?

    If I have a tank with live sand, a small amount of live rock, a leopard shark, lion, and an eel. What would you guys recommend for other fish that will help keep the tank crystal clear and clean, that the fish that are in there right now won't bother. I don't want any conflicts in this tank (i...
  5. zero

    Ornaments in Saltwater Setup...please help!

    Thanks for all of the ideas. With my freshwater tank, I took a piece of 3" PVC pipe, put epoxy all over it, and rolled it in the same color gravel that I have on the bottom of my tank. It looked awesome. It was a great hiding spot that you couldn't even really see without looking at it hard. I...
  6. zero

    Put fish in today!

    Risc, thanks for the help...It's funny that you posted those links...I actually already read them earlier today. But I appreciate your time in posting a response. Thanks!
  7. zero

    ATTN: RISC...question for you..

    Hey, I've only been on this board a short while, however, I've been able to assertain that you are the resident "shark-guy". I read a post about your pond with a few sharks... I was wondering if you had any pictures, or a web site with pictures of your pond with all the sharks. I think that's...
  8. zero

    Ornaments in Saltwater Setup...please help!

    Yeah, after reading your posts, I'm going to have to agree with you guys. Glad I got some good advice on this board...definetly worth the 30 second registration ;) Does anyone still have any advice on something cool for my eel? Thanks again!
  9. zero

    Ornaments in Saltwater Setup...please help!

    I was told that keeping a lot of liverock with a shark in the tank is not safe. I was looking for some other alternatives...any other suggestions?
  10. zero

    Ornaments in Saltwater Setup...please help!

    Krusk, I appreciate the advice...I'm not rich or anything, but I can afford something somewhat pricey if it will good for my eel. I've thought about the PVC pipe idea, but after spending a lot on the tank, stand, firltration..etc, I'd like something that looks a little nicer...Let me know if you...
  11. zero

    Ornaments in Saltwater Setup...please help!

    I appreciate your replies...The only reason that I wanted to put the castle in, was so my eel would have a good place to hide in. Does anyone have any suggestions for my eel? I have a leopard shark in there too, so i don't want anyhting to extreme that the shark could injure himself on. Thanks...
  12. zero

    Put fish in today!

    I was thinking about upgrading to a 125 tank in my bedroom. Could I keep the eel, lion fish, and banded or leopard shark in the 125?? Thanks again.
  13. zero

    Put fish in today!

    I appreciate your responses. The fish are still doing great...But what if I take back the leopard shark to the LFS and I get a banded shark? Will that work better? Also, I don't have a lot of live rock, I think it's only like 10 pounds. I appreciate any and all input on my tank. I'm new at this...
  14. zero

    Ornaments in Saltwater Setup...please help!

    Hey, I was wondering if I can take ornaments from my freshwater tank, clean them off really good, and put them in my saltwater tank.. I have a big, expensive castle type ornament that would look great in my saltwater set up. I was just curious, thanks!
  15. zero

    Put fish in today!

    Hey, After cycling my 90 gallon for two and a half months I finally put in fish and they look to be doing great! I'll give you a little background info. The tank is 90 gallons, (48 x 18 x 24) and it has about 2 inches of live sand, a few live rocks, and tons of filtration. I have a standard...