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  1. jac913

    Anyone use carbon on thier reef tanks?

  2. jac913

    Anyone use carbon on thier reef tanks?

    Actually, I have a 44gallon tank, and I use the Aqua clear70 in mine. It does pretty good. Did you just set it up? Did you just add some fish? If you did, it's probibly the Nitrogen cycle. It is perfectly normal, and it is doing it's thing. After it cycles, it will be perfectly clear. Just...
  3. jac913

    Tiny white spot harmful???

    I agree, sounds like ich. if you have a smaller tank, say a 10 gallon that you can use as a hospital tank it would be good to treat him in there instead of your main tank. Rid-Ick and other treatments may kill your crabs. Personnally I think Rid-Ick is one of the better treatments and you can...
  4. jac913

    Price Estimates???

    $20 for a filter? I don't think so. If it is for a 55 gal tank. I have an Aquaclear70 in my 44 gallon and you can get that for $22.99 at The Potein Skimmer for the Seaclone100 is $58.99 at and lighting I actually got at a local fish store that had 50% off sale, and...
  5. jac913

    Algae Control

    How do you load a picture? It says it can't be bigger then 500 X 500
  6. jac913

    Algae Control

    I am actually worried about my glass. I am not sure if this pic will load, but it is too show how bad it is. I have tryed scraping it, but my arms got too tired.
  7. jac913

    Algae Control

    Are you really supposed to have that many snails? My algea is so thick, but I was told to have 1 concho per 50 gals. I have a 44 gallon tank, and I got two, plus 3 others. Ok, I know fresh water a hell of a lot more, and I know I don't want a snail infestation! If I get more, will I run into...
  8. jac913

    The almighty Sand Topic

    If you're close to KC, I would try Waldo's Pets, or Paridise Aquatics.
  9. jac913

    Sand? How much?

    Awsome, but how deep should my sand be?
  10. jac913

    I dunno, HELP!!!

    I have a good digital camera, but it still can't pick up an image of these things.
  11. jac913

    I dunno, HELP!!!

    Sooo..... tell me, did I ruin my tank? I went to FL a couple of weeks ago and brought back a lot of maidens hair (which is gone now, everyone ate it), and I think it was purple grape coral (?), and live sand with small clams in it (they died the first night they were in my tank). but now I have...
  12. jac913

    crushed coral question

    I had CC in the beginning, and never had a problem as long as you're gravel vac every month. Btw, the only reason I switched to sand is b/c I think it's easier for a lot of my creatures.
  13. jac913

    Sand? How much?

    How much is too much sand? I see a lot of tanks with 3-4" of sand, to me it looks like there is too much. I guess my real question is how much is desirable, and why? Also, how do you clean the waste out of the tank with sand? I have been stirring it up A LOT, I am afraid I maybe stressing out my...
  14. jac913

    need id please

    I thought they were so cute, but was told they were bad in a tank b/c they would take over. I wish I hadn't gotten rid of them!
  15. jac913

    Reef Tank & Protien Skimmers???

    I heard this from someone and was wondering if it's true. I heard you do NOT want a PS if you want a reef tank. I am so new at this and all of my LFS people are not any help. And technically, what exactly is a *Reef* tank. I am assuming it's lots of rock work, corals, fish, invers, ect., am I right?
  16. jac913


    omg, I didn't think you should have had anything to worry about, but after reading the reply's. What does everyone think about mine? Please let me know!! I have a 44gal Pentagon w/ a whisper40 and a penguin170, about 60-65lbs of live rock, 1" of sand bedding, a seaclone100, and a power compac...