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  1. jckkc

    lighting question

    tasha, you know a guy who grew a red tree sponge so large it grew outside of his tank???? you remind me of him.
  2. jckkc

    lights vho vs pc

    I have a 45 gal fowlr. I need to upgrade my lighting and would like to build a new canopy. I've had an anemone for about 18 months and two clowns, lr, dsb, and various cleaners. I don't plan on getting any new fish or coral for a while because I like what I have and don't want to overburden...
  3. jckkc

    tax return, yahoo!!!

    what is the difference between VHO and Power Compact? Why is one better than the other?
  4. jckkc

    tax return, yahoo!!!

    length is about 36 inches
  5. jckkc

    tax return, yahoo!!!

    I have a 45 gal with approx 30lbs lr/ a couple of clowns / and a bubbletip anemone of somekind (it is a pink/peach color and moves around), lots of baby snails and a couple of big ones, and some hermit crabs. I was given the tank as is and I've had them for about 18 months and they all seem to...
  6. jckkc

    118 acrylic/stand/lights/filter/misc $300

    I have an acrylic 118 gal that I have to sell. I have been a bit over zealous and my wife doesn't think it will work in our apartment. Please buy it from me before my wife loses it. 1. An Aquanetics Filtration System w/ a 15W UV Filter and Little Giant Pump. 2. 4/18" PowerGlo 15w and...
  7. jckkc

    hairlike things

    hey, thanks for the help you guys. it isn't the pictured worm and i don't think they are worms at all, but a dark in color, hairlike tenticle that does not wave with the current. they just stay in one spot searching on the lr for food maybe. so far they haven't hurt anything. just curious.
  8. jckkc

    not red velvet

    i have little red fuzzy stuff. not red slime (i've had that in another tank and know what it is). it doesn't coat like slime and actually is really pretty. it is in small clusters but individual pieces of about 1/32 of an inch wide and high. any ideas? water all checks normal.
  9. jckkc

    hairlike things

    i have many, many hairlike things reaching from my lr in my fowlr. they are thinner than all the brittle star legs that stick out of the same areas. what are they?
  10. jckkc

    pencil urchin eating corraline

    my old lfs told me it wasn't a problem. urchins don't eat coraline algae, but i kept telling them the five little scratch marks all over the coraline were not from the fish. i sold it back, lo and behold, it is growing again.
  11. jckkc

    Finish this sentence: "I knew I was addicted when..."

    happened twice first, when i was in college and kept moving my classes later in the day each semester because i kept failing my first class of the morning. i kept saying just one more second then i will leave. never worked just kept failing the classes. second, when i picked the hobby back up...
  12. jckkc

    How did everyone get their nick names?

    jckkc jason me christy wife kira daughter 5years karter daughter 3years chase daughter 2years plus one on the i don't know yet :) :)
  13. jckkc

    about a quarter inch

    sounds like that might be it. i just wanted to make sure they are something that are not going to cause problems in the future. do you know where they come from?
  14. jckkc

    about a quarter inch

    i have a number of small hard tube-like things growing on my lr. they are sharp and about as thick as a needle. something inside retracts when i touch them, although i cannot see it when it is out, i just see movement. so it isn't a duster or anything. any ideas???
  15. jckkc

    2 casualties (possibly casualties of war?)

    give it a couple days. sometimes mine will molt and go into hiding. after a couple days they will come back out. maybe it is after they are waiting for the new shell to harden. if they don't show back up, they're dead. although, you probably could figure that one out.
  16. jckkc


    what i meant by cheap is the bagged $20 & 20lb. product that sits on the shelf at the lfs and may not be rotated often. versus the $49 & 20lb product bought directly online.
  17. jckkc


    I have a 45 gal fowler w/ a glass bottom. The tanks has been up for about a 18 months. All is well with the two clowns and anemone, a couple of turbo snails and 5 hermits. The tank is a SEACLEAR brand which has it's filtration built in on the back. The protein skimmer is a piece of trash. I...
  18. jckkc

    little white cotton things

    thanks for the info, i took one to the lfs and he said it was a sponge. they like to hide from the light he said, so they hide out under the polyps. :)
  19. jckkc

    flame hawk

  20. jckkc

    flame hawk

    i introduced a flame hawk into my tank about a month ago. all my hermits are disappearing. someone said flame hawks were crab eaters. is that true?